Rep. Davis welcomes Ukrainian delegation

by Theodora Turula

CHICAGO - Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) welcomed Ukrainian Ambassador Oleh Shamshur, Ukrainian Consul General in Chicago Vasil Korzhachenko, Interim Ukrainian Consul General in Chicago Oleh Shevchenko and Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union CEO Bohdan Watral to his Congressional District on February 21. The 7th Congressional District of Illinois includes Chicago's Ukrainian Village.

Rep. Davis, a staunch supporter of democratic initiatives, traveled to Ukraine in 2004 and returned with a clear understanding of the political and economic situation in Ukraine. During the 109th Congress, Rep. Davis co-sponsored a number of bills favorable to Ukrainians, including HR 885 and HR 1053 to extend normal trade relations treatment to products from Ukraine and HR 562 to authorize the government of Ukraine to establish a memorial on federal land in the District of Columbia to honor the victims of the Famine-Genocide that occurred in Ukraine in 1932-1933.

He is a member of the House of Representatives Ukraine Caucus.

In his conversation with the newly appointed diplomatic officials, Rep. Davis acknowledged the positive contributions of the credit union as a community financial institution in uniting the residents of the Ukrainian Village neighborhood. He thanked Mr. Watral for his and the credit union's activities on behalf of Ukraine.

Rep. Davis actively participates in many of Chicago's Ukrainian American community events and has been instrumental in advancing positive initiatives to enhance the community. He stressed his wholehearted support for democratic initiatives in Ukraine and the strengthening of bilateral relationships between the United States and Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 5, 2006, No. 10, Vol. LXXIV

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