UCCA urges passage of HR 1053

by Serhiy Zhykhkarev
Ukrainian National Information Service

WASHINGTON - With just over four weeks left before the Ukrainian parliamentary elections, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) has appealed to Rep. William Thomas, chairman of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, to expedite passage of HR 1053, a bill introduced by Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.) to graduate Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik amendment.

In a letter dated February 22 to Chairman Thomas, the UCCA mentions Ukraine's many accomplishments since the Orange Revolution, most notably battling corruption and money laundering, and focusing on accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The UCCA letter reaffirmed the increased bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and U.S. as evidenced by the U.S. recognition of Ukraine as a market economy and its support for Ukraine as it aspires for WTO membership. "What remains troublesome, however, is the lingering issue of the Jackson-Vanik amendment for Ukraine and its ultimate graduation in the United States Congress," the letter noted.

The UCCA's letter also acknowledged that there is "wide bipartisan support [in the House of Representatives], as well as the support of the administration" for its successful passage.

An endorsement from the U.S. House of Representatives to graduate Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik amendment "would give a significant boost to the pro-democracy forces vying for parliamentary seats in Ukraine's elections on March 26," stated the UCCA letter to Rep. Thomas. "Let us extend our support to Ukraine at this critical juncture and assist in securing its democratic future."

With Congress resuming its session on Tuesday, February 28, after the Presidents' Day recess, the UCCA also sent a letter to all members of the House of Representatives who haven't yet supported HR 1053. In an urgent appeal to Members of Congress, the UCCA highlighted President Viktor Yushchenko's address to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress, where he reiterated the need to repeal the Jackson-Vanik amendment. "Repealing the [Jackson-Vanik] amendment is a critical step that will demonstrate to the Ukrainian government that the United States welcomes the changes Ukraine has implemented and trusts in the future of that country," stated the UCCA letter.

The UCCA's Washington bureau, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), also issued an urgent Action Item to the Ukrainian community and all friends of Ukraine to write to their respective members of Congress to support HR 1053. The Action Item is critical at this juncture as Congress will be in session only through March 17 - a few days prior to Ukraine's March 26 parliamentary elections.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 5, 2006, No. 10, Vol. LXXIV

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