AHRU contacts members of Congress

NEWARK, N.J. - As part of the joint effort to rescind the Jackson-Vanik Amendment, Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine (AHRU) on February 20 sent more than 70 letters to select members of the House of Representatives.

A similar action was undertaken by AHRU in December 2005, when more than 60 letters were mailed out to members of the U.S. Congress whose responsibility was to deal with this issue.

Bozhena Olshaniwsky, spokesperson for AHRU, wrote in a letter to the congressmen: "Ukraine has met the Jackson-Vanik freedom of emigration and freedom of religion requirements a long time ago. This amendment was enacted by the U.S. Congress as an act against the Soviet Union's restrictive policies in the early '70s regarding Jewish emigration to the U.S. The continuance of this amendment until modern times is both ludicrous and an anachronistic albatross around the neck of Ukraine. In spite of the difficulties involved in converting to market reforms away from the inefficient and collapsed command economy of the old Soviet Union, Ukraine has shown both a willingness and capability to adapt to new conditions when given the opportunity and deserves our support."

She also stated: "This legislative action - the rescinding of the old amendment - will demonstrate support for Ukraine by the U.S. Congress and will send a message to members of the government in Ukraine on the eve of its parliamentary March 2006 elections that the American people are supportive of Ukraine's pro-Western, pro-democratic, market-oriented ideals and her integration into Euro-Atlantic community."

Mrs. Olshaniwsky commented to The Ukrainian Weekly that "the stalemate of HR 1035 is not only perplexing but puzzling, too. This bill is supported by more than 250 Ukrainian American groups. Jewish American associations, NGOs, business enterprises and groups from Ukraine. It is also supported by the U.S. Senate with its passage in November 2005. With such a tremendous unified show of sponsorship this should help make HR 1035 pass the U.S. House with alacrity. Why would anybody in the House of Representatives object to getting rid of this rust-covered 32-year-old relic of the Cold War whose removal would improve relations between the United States and Ukraine?"

AHRU is appealing to interested individuals to join this effort by writing, calling or e-mailing their congressmen in order to make the passage of this bill a reality. For further information, readers may call AHRU, (973) 373-9729.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 5, 2006, No. 10, Vol. LXXIV

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