Windsor branch of Ukrainian Canadian Committee unveils Famine-Genocide memorial

WINDSOR, Ontario - The local branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress unveiled a Holodomor monument on November 13, 2005, to commemorate over 7 million men, women and children who were starved to death in the Famine-Genocide in Ukraine in 1932-1933.

The fourth Saturday in November has been recognized by the Parliament of Canada as a day of remembrance of this tragedy.

The monument is the only one of its kind in Ontario, and the third in Canada. It is located in the Queen Elizabeth II Gardens in Windsor, known as Jackson Park.

The dedication and blessing of the monument was attended by over 200 individuals from the Windsor Ukrainian community, and dignitaries from across Ontario.

Windsor Mayor Eddie Francis, Members of Parliament Joe Comartin and Brian Masse, and Members of Windsor City Council Carolyn Postma and David Cassivi attended the dedication ceremony.

It was presided over by the Very Rev. Pawlo Berezniak of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and the Rt. Rev. Eugene Halitsky of Ss. Vladimir and Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church, whose choir under the direction of Father Peter Hrytsyk sang the memorial prayers.

At the end of the service, all who attended laid bouquets of wheat at the base of the monument in memory of the millions who died in Ukraine.

Carved from black granite, the monument was designed by artists Halyna Mordowanec-Regenbogen and Tom Regenbogen to reflect both the solemnity and starkness of the subject matter. The map consultant was Dr. Ihor Stebelsky, a professor at the University of Windsor.

The guest speaker at the memorial dinner was Askold Lozynskyj, president of the Ukrainian World Congress. Other speakers included Dr. Ihor Lossovskyj, consul general of Ukraine in Toronto; Bohdan Fedorak, honorary Consul of Ukraine in Warren, Mich.; and Dr. Evhen Roslycky, president of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress London Branch.

Stefania Korostil, a survivor of the Famine, gave an emotional speech at the memorial dinner about her recollections of that terrible time in Ukraine's history.

Members of the Holodomor Monument Committee are Petro Mycak (president, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Windsor Branch), Leisha Nazarewich, Irene Momotiuk, Mr. Regenbogen, Ms. Mordowanec-Regenbogen, Dr. Stebelsky, Andrew Stebelsky and Vera Tkachuk.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 12, 2006, No. 11, Vol. LXXIV

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