FOR THE RECORD: Wrzesnewskyj speaks at rally in support of democracy in Belarus

Following is the text of remarks by Canadian Member of Parliament Borys Wrzesnewskyj at a rally in support of democracy in Belarus that was held at Toronto City Hall on March 26.

It was the Irish-born British statesman Edmund Burke who uttered the powerful words: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing."

During the last few days, thousands of young citizens of the Belarus nation embraced, arms interlocked, in a small corner of October Square in protest of a rigged presidential election and in defiance of the autocratic grip of Europe's last dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka. They did not fear the bloody security apparatus that still retains the dreaded name KGB.

During this last week, these young men and women of Belarus placed everything on the line, including their very lives, in order to break free of the shackles of fear and terror that have gripped their country for 12 long years.

Yesterday marked the 88th anniversary of the short-lived Republic of Belarus, and instead of celebrating hope and optimism that accompanies such occasions, the people of Belarus are left fighting feelings of despair.

We call upon Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper to clearly and publicly condemn Mr. Lukashenka as have the EU and the U.S., and to institute travel bans on Mr. Lukashenka and the cabal of his inner circle. We further call upon our prime minister to publicly condemn Mr. [Vladimir] Putin for supporting the Lukashenka dictatorship. Without Mr. Putin's support of Lukashenka, today Belarus' 10 million people would most likely be traveling down the path of democracy and freedom.

While Lukashenka, Putin and those who would destroy freedom, truth and justice think they have won, the actions of those in October Square show that there are fearless people in Miensk who are prepared to stand up to evil to prevent its triumph. They are struggling against immense odds in order to secure a better future for the people of Belarus - a future among the circle of free and democratic states of the world.

Long live an independent and democratic Belarus.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 16, 2006, No. 16, Vol. LXXIV

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