Ukraine's Embassy seeks help for 10-year-old burn victim

Embassy of Ukraine

WASHINGTON - A 10-year-old Ukrainian boy needs your help.

Aleksey Skrynnyk was treated at the Shriner's Burn Hospital for Children in Boston in 2005 after high-voltage electric burn injuries. Aleksey's treatment lasted for three months during that initial visit. He will be hospitalized for further treatment in May that will take five months. Thereafter, Aleksey will need to return for treatment annually.

Aleksey suffered serious injury in Ukraine on June 20, 2004. He had high-voltage electrical shock and a fourth degree high voltage electric burn injury over 25 percent of his body.

Because of the extent of his injuries, and the Shriners' specialization in treating such patients, it is extremely important for Aleksey to be able to come to the hospital for treatment as required.

The hospital does not charge for the medical services that it provides to Aleksey, but additional costs, including transportation, living expenses and lost wages are borne by the patient's family.

Ukrainian diplomats at the Embassy of Ukraine are urging all Ukrainians in the United States to open their hearts and provide adequate financial assistance to this Ukrainian boy. Donations may be sent to: Harvard University Employees Credit Union, 16 Dunster St., Cambridge, MA 02138; please note the account number for Aleksey Skrynnyk, 97826-40.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 16, 2006, No. 16, Vol. LXXIV

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