Woonsocket community pays tribute to Shevchenko, poet laureate of Ukraine

WOONSOCKET, R.I. - St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church in Woonsocket was the setting for a celebration in honor of Taras Shevchenko.

The opening prayer and introduction were conducted by Msgr. Roman Golemba, followed by recitation of "Testament," or "Zapovit," by Kateryna Klowan. A brief summary of Shevchenko's life and poetry was presented by Sofia Kachor in Ukrainian.

A solo rendition of Ukrainian folk songs was performed on the saxophone by Marko Tkach with accompaniment by his father, Ivan Tkach. Dimitry Wolanky's "Try Shlakhy" and Oksana Karkhut's "Meni Trynadtsiatyi Mynalo" were followed by a very interesting personal comparison in English by Cornel Osadsa.

A group of mothers and children dressed in fine embroidery recited "Sadok Vyshnevyi" and sang "Yikhav Kozak za Dunay" with masterful accompaniment on the accordion by Yuri Minyayluk.

Besides the organizers, participants and guests, a representative of Ukrainian National Association Branch 241, Secretary-Treasurer Janet Bardell, was present.

A delicious pot-luck lunch followed the program.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 16, 2006, No. 16, Vol. LXXIV

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