Paratroopers from U.S. and Ukraine complete joint training at Fort Bragg

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - During the week of February 12, 50 Ukrainian officers and soldiers from the 95th Airborne Brigade participated in joint training at Fort Bragg, N.C., with paratroopers of the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division. The visit establishes a foundation that hopefully will lead to closer military ties between the United States and Ukraine. There are plans to send paratroopers of the 82nd to Ukraine this year. In the photo above, Victor Petrenko, commander of the 4th Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division awards airborne wings to Lt. Col. Yuri Halushkyn, chief jumpmaster of the Ukrainian 95th Airborne Brigade. Below, U.S. and Ukrainian paratroopers in formation for the ceremony to exchange the airborne wings.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 16, 2006, No. 16, Vol. LXXIV

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