EASTER GREETING: A message from Ambassador Kuchinsky

Dear Friends:

On behalf of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations and from me personally please accept our most cordial greetings on the beautiful Easter Holy Day - a celebration that moves our hearts and fills them with love for those close to us and with strong faith in Christian values, in fairness and in a better future day.

During this springtime of bounty, I would like to extend to you, my fellow Ukrainians, my heartfelt wishes that the glorious Holy Resurrection of our Lord will bring you happiness and good health, well-being and peace of mind, God's grace and good fortune.

Today we have our own state that many generations of our ancestors had fought for. Its future lies in the hands of Ukrainians themselves. There is no doubt we will overcome the difficulties that may stand on the way to a prosperous and happy Ukraine. But, first of all, we should always remember the lessons of our history and do our best to preserve the spirit and the unity of the Ukrainian people, who in the days of the Orange Revolution and during the most recent parliamentary elections, demonstrated to the world their will to live in peace and harmony, and to build an independent democratic European Ukrainian state.

I avail myself of this joyful opportunity to thank you, Dear Friends, for your constant attention to the work of Ukrainian diplomats at the United Nations, and for your unswerving commitment and the excellent cooperation, which, I am confident, will contribute many times again to the success of our common Ukrainian cause.

May you have a Happy Easter. May it bring peace and love to your homes.

Christ is risen!

Sincerely yours,
Valeriy Kuchinsky, Ambassador
Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 23, 2006, No. 17, Vol. LXXIV

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