Shevchenko Society presentation focuses on medical schools in Ukraine

by Vasyl Lopukh

NEW YORK - The Medicine-Biology (MB) Section of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) on March 18 sponsored a program in which Dr. Marta Kushnir, secretary of the section, gave a lecture titled "The History and the Significance of the Medical University in Lviv."

Dr. Kushnir shared her impressions of the medical schools and clinics in Lviv and Ternopil as she reported on her recent trip to Ukraine, undertaken together with her sister, Dr. Lesia Kushnir, director of the MB Section.

In his opening remarks, NTSh Vice-President Dr. Orest Popovych welcomed the development that the leadership of the MB Section has been taken over by two physicians who represent the younger generation, and who have demonstrated considerable activity from the start. Prof. Vasyl Makhno introduced the speaker and chaired the proceedings.

Dr. Marta Kushnir traced the history of the city of Lviv, with emphasis on the development of higher education there. Medical education in Lviv dates back to 1784, when medicine became one of the faculties at the Lviv University. In 1939 medicine was transferred from the university to a separate Medical Institute, which in 2003 acquired the status of a National Medical University.

Drs. Marta and Lesia Kushnir conferred with some of the professors and administrators of the Lviv Medical University, trying to learn ways in which the NTSh could be helpful to them. One of the answers was their need for modern medical books, which Dr. Marta Kushnir has begun to fulfill. The lecturer said she was very impressed with the students and facilities in Lviv. In Ternopil, however, both the university hospital and the two clinics she visited had rather antiquated equipment, albeit in working order.

This exploratory visit by Drs. Marta and Lesia Kushnir, attempting to establish contacts and pave the way for possible collaboration between NTSh and Ukrainian medical schools, follows in the footsteps of Dr. Paul Dzul, the preceding director of the NTSh MB Section. Dr. Dzul as well as Dr. Michael Cehelsky, also an NTSh member, have co-authored and co-sponsored a number of medical books and other projects with their colleagues in Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 23, 2006, No. 17, Vol. LXXIV

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