Program of the 36th Regular Convention
of the Ukrainian National Association, Inc.

to be held in Kerhonkson, N.Y., at Soyuzivka
Friday, May 26, through Monday, May 29, 2006,
beginning at 9 a.m.

1. Opening of Convention

2. Report of Credentials Committee

3. Acceptance of Convention Program

4. Approval of Minutes of the 35th Convention

5. Election

a. Convention chairperson, two vice-chairpersons
b. 11-member Election Committee
c. 5-member Committee on Petitions
d. 6-member Secretaries Committee

6. Appointment of Press Committee, Resolutions Committee and two sergeants-at-arms

7. Reports of UNA Officers - Executive Committee:

President Stefan Kaczaraj,
First Vice-President Martha Lysko,
Director for Canada Al Kachkowski,
National Secretary Christine E. Kozak,
Treasurer Roma Lisovich

8. Reports of UNA Auditing Committee members:

Zenon Holubec, Alexander Serafyn,Yaroslav Zaviysky

9. Reports of UNA Advisors:

Eugene Oscislawski, Stefan Hawrysz, Vasyl Luchkiw, Myron Pylypiak,
Wasyl Liscenesky, Pawlo Prinko, Andrij Skyba, Michael Kuropas,
Myron Groch, Gloria Horbaty

10. Report of Svoboda Editor-in-Chief Irene Jarosewich

11. Report of The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-Chief Roma Hadzewycz

12. Discussion of reports and their acceptance

13. Report of By-Laws Committee, discussion and approval of proposed changes

14. Discussion: "Development plans for Soyuzivka"

15. Discussion: "Status of the UNA in Canada"

16. Discussion: "UNA: Shaping the Future"

17. Report of Financial Committee and determination on bonding and salaries of officers

18. Election of General Assembly

19. Report of Petitions Committee, discussion and resolutions

20. Report of Secretaries Committee, discussion and resolutions

21. Resolutions and recommendations for the well-being of the organization

22. Miscellaneous

23. Adjournme

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 30, 2006, No. 18, Vol. LXXIV

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