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May 14, 1976

It was 30 years ago on May 15 and 22, 1976, that the Ukrainian Weekly carried articles on New York's first ever Ukrainian Street Fair, which was held from May 14 -16. It was organized to mark the centennial of the first wave of Ukrainians who came to America and the bicentennial of America's independence. Sponsoring the festival were the Ukrainian Bicentennial Committee of New York City and the local Ukrainian Congress Committee of America branch.

The street fair was opened on Friday at 3 p.m. by the chairman of the Bicentennial Committee of New York City, John O. Flis. Masters of ceremonies for the event included Mary Dushnyck, Laryssa Kukrycka-Lysniak and Wolodymyr Starosolsky. The stage program was coordinated by Dr. Ihor Sonevytsky.

Approximately 10,000-15,000 people attended, despite weather reports of rain, which finally arrived as a drizzle on Sunday. Included among the masses were, Rep. Edward Koch, Rep. Mario Biaggi, Ukrainian National Association Supreme President Joseph Lesawyer, UCCA Branch President Dr.Wolodymyr Sawchak, and Miss Soyuzivka 1975, Ulita Olshani.

The crowds were entertained with dance performances by: Khorovody Dancers of Brooklyn, the Oprysko Dancers of Astoria, the Osenenko Dancers of Hempstead, the Roma Pryma-Bohachevsky School of Ballet, the Ukrainian Dancers of Fresh Meadows, and the Verkhovyntsi Dancers of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (SUM), and others.

Vocal ensembles included: the Zhayvoronky chorus of SUM , Moloda Ukraina youth chorus of Trenton, the choir of Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church of Astoria, the Promin vocal ensemble under the direction of Bohdana Wolansky, and the St. George Academy Vocal Ensemble.

Musical groups that entertained the crowds included: the New York School of Bandura, and the bandura duo of Vera and Olena Schumylowych

To cap off Saturday evening's festivities, a spring dance at the Ukrainian National Home Ballroom on Second Avenue was sponsored by the Ukrainian National Women's League of America Branch 104, with music provided by the Vodohray band.

Source: "N.Y.C. Street Fair to Include Non-Stop Outdoor Stage Program" The Ukrainian Weekly, May 15, 1976, Vol. LXXXIII, No. 91. and "Thousands Visit New York's First Ukrainian Street Fair" by Ihor Dlaboha, May 22, 1976, Vol. LXXXIII, No. 96.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 14, 2006, No. 20, Vol. LXXIV

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