UNA president's greeting to the convention: 'Together we can do anything'

by Stefan Kaczaraj
UNA President

With only one week before the start of the 36th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association, I encourage all of our members and delegates to come with open minds, ideas and an eagerness to build a future for our organization. We look forward to meeting with all of our delegates and devoted members.

The world around us has been changing at an accelerating pace. Four years ago, a new Executive Committee was elected, and I took the reins of this organization. The past four years have been a journey of challenges and changes. We were faced with the simple choice: adapt and thrive, or fall behind. With our antiquated organizational structure, the aging of our branch leadership and declining membership, instituting change has remained a slow and painful process.

What are the challenges we face?

For years, there has been a perceived lack of relevance for the UNA and the contributions of its members. We have succeeded in re-establishing ourselves as a community leader, but much more work must be done to restore our position of prominence. Another issue, which goes hand-in-hand with the first, has been an ever-aging and, unfortunately, shrinking membership. To survive we must adapt, we must embrace change and we must strive to have our community see us as a relevant force in our society.

In addition to our internal challenges, we face those beyond our control. The economic downturn and severe drop in market rates impacted the UNA financially in terms of investment earnings. We weathered this storm, but must continue to face all of these challenges with long-term planning and strategic thinking.

Change is not something we fear or resist. Only with change can we improve our organization. I ask all of you to re-dedicate yourselves to the principles of the UNA so that we can prosper and grow. We must continue to develop and restructure our organization as an effective and efficient body.

With grassroots help and the support of every one of our member-delegates, as well as each and every local branch representative, much can be accomplished. Together with your help, we can - and will - make the UNA stronger; we can - and will - promote the growth of our organization as a vital and effective leader in our community.

The members of the Executive Committee and I stand before you committed and determined to face the challenges that face the UNA. Those challenges are:

1. increasing our membership;
2. developing plans for Soyuzivka; and
3. defining the status of the UNA in Canada.

Let us make this a most meaningful and productive convention that will lead to a new beginning for the UNA.

This will be the first time a UNA convention is held at our own heritage center, Soyuzivka. Please appreciate the work that management and staff have done to accommodate the large number of delegates. We know you will find your stay enjoyable.

Our Convention Committee chose the theme "UNA: Ukrainians United." This theme has many meanings. It means having unity and strength in our branches, unity and strength in our districts, unity and strength within our own communities. This is our goal.

I am confident that the Executive Officers, dedicated General Assembly members, loyal staff and you, our faithful members, will work together to surmount the challenges that lie before us. I believe that together we can do anything we set our minds to. Together we can be a formidable team that can achieve the continued growth of the UNA.

"UNA: Ukrainians United!"

See you at the convention!

The UNA By-Laws: amendments to be proposed to the 36th Convention

by Taras Szmagala Jr.

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - In preparation for the upcoming UNA Convention, a pre-convention By-Laws Committee has been appointed to receive and consider proposals to amend the existing UNA By-Laws. This committee, consisting of Nicholas Diakiwsky, Ihor Hayda, Oksana Lopatynsky, Taras Szmagala Jr. and Gerald Tysiak, met February 18 at the UNA Home Office to consider proposals received to date.

Currently, the committee has agreed to present the following proposed by-laws changes to the UNA Convention By-Laws Committee: (a) eliminating the position of director of Canada, thus decreasing the Executive Committee from six to five members, and (b) decreasing the number of advisors from 11 to seven. The pre-convention By-Laws Committee determined that both changes merited recommendation due to the UNA's decrease in membership and the savings opportunities presented by decreasing the size of the General Assembly.

These changes, along with others that may be offered by the UNA membership, will be considered at the upcoming UNA convention. To submit a proposed change to the UNA By-Laws for consideration, please forward that change to Stefan Kaczaraj, president, at the UNA Home Office, or via e-mail address to [email protected]; or to Mr. Szmagala by e-mail at [email protected]. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged.

CONVENTION PRIMER: Voting and elections at the conclave

As the Ukrainian National Association, its officers and members prepare for the organization's 36th Regular Convention, which will convene on Friday, May 26, at the Soyuzivka estate in Kerhonkson, N.Y., The Ukrainian Weekly is publishing a new series titled "Convention Primer" that will explain the UNA's goals, structure and operations.

In less than a week, delegates will be arriving at Soyuzivka for the 36th Regular Convention of the Ukrainian National Association. There they will be called upon to discuss and vote on diverse matters that concern the operations of the UNA.

All delegates, as well as members and honorary members of the General Assembly have a right to voice their opinions and vote at the convention. Proceedings of the convention are open to all UNA members, who are free to listen in.

The UNA Manuals provide that "On any question before the Convention, except the amendment of the By-Laws, the majority vote of the delegates present shall govern. The presiding officer shall take the vote in such a way as he sees fit, except for the election of officers, which shall be by ballot and voting machines. All proceedings shall be run in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order."

In the case of amendments to the UNA By-Laws, an amendment is passed only if it is supported "not less than by a two-thirds vote of the delegates of all Branches." The UNA By-Laws also provide that "Amendments to the By-Laws, unless otherwise ordered, take effect the first day of July following the Convention."

It should be noted that there is no proxy voting at a UNA convention. "Votes by delegates may be cast only by the delegates personally," the UNA By-Laws stipulate.

The election of UNA officers - i.e., executive officers, auditors and advisors - takes place in two rounds.

The first round is a primary in which delegates, on ballots listing all the offices to be filled, write in the names of their choices for these positions. Afterwards, the votes are tallied and the top three candidates for each position who accept this de-facto nomination will go on to balloting in the second round.

In the second round of the election, delegates use voting machines or specially printed ballots that are read by vote tabulating machines.

During a special ceremony, the newly elected officers take the oath of office: "I, (name), swear before Almighty God, and before you, Honorable Members, that I, (name), will honestly and faithfully perform and fulfill all my duties and obligations as such (office); that I will always observe, comply with and obey the rules and regulations, resolutions and laws of the Ukrainian National Association; that I will protect and defend the good name of the Association; that I will endeavor to promote its welfare, and to the best of my ability work for the general good of the Ukrainian National Association. So help me God, Amen."

The new UNA General Assembly officially assumes office on July 1.

- Roma Hadzewycz

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 21, 2006, No. 21, Vol. LXXIV

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