GUAM creates Organization for Democracy and Economic Development

KYIV - The presidents of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova - Mikheil Saakashvili, Viktor Yushchenko, Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Voronin, respectively - signed a declaration on the establishment of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development - GUAM.

President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine said the objectives of the new organization are to promote democratic values, safeguard sustained economic development, strengthen international and regional security, and deepen European integration. (For an analysis of the GUAM summit see article on the left.)

Mr. Yushchenko explained that GUAM had not been established to counterbalance the Commonwealth of Independent States and annoy Russia. "The rule is that we should have friendly relations with our neighbors," he said. "That's absolutely natural, isn't it?"

President Aliyev of Azerbaijan said the summit was "a new stage of GUAM, which will determine the four countries' further development and regional integration." He added, "Our countries make up a natural corridor between Asia and Europe, and so the development of the transport infrastructure will help us boost our economies."

Georgian President Saakashvili also praised the free trade protocol, describing it as a "benefit for our countries, their citizens, manufacturers, exporters and importers." He added that the summit "has indicated a new reality in our countries and new interests of our countries."

The protocol on the establishment of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development was signed at the conclusion of a two-day summit meeting of GUAM whose agenda included such topics as the diversification of energy supplies and containment of regional "frozen conflicts." Within the framework of the summit, separate meetings were held of the member-states' foreign, energy and internal affairs ministers, and of the heads of the countries' security services.

A draft charter for the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development - GUAM indicated that the new body is open to other states that share its goals and principles. Indeed, President Voronin of Moldova indicated that Romania and Bulgaria are likely candidates for membership. The draft charter, which spells out the organization's goals, principles, priorities and structure, is subject to ratification by the Parliaments of the four member-states.

The charter provides for the establishment of a four-tiered council whose different levels comprise heads of state, foreign affairs ministers, national coordinators and permanent representatives. In addition, the charter envisages a Standing Secretariat, to be headquartered in Kyiv.

In addition to the protocol on the establishment of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, GUAM member-states declared their intention of creating a free-trade zone.

President Yushchenko said he was particularly pleased with the free-trade protocol. "We have been waiting to sign this agreement for quite long, but today we finally can declare that this Azeri-Georgian-Moldovan-Ukrainian zone exists, and we have liberalized our trade relations," he said, adding that they would soon have to "harmonize their customs and border relations."

As well, GUAM established its own Anti-Terrorism Center, whose goal is to enhance the efficacy of intra-GUAM cooperation in combating terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking.

In conjunction with the GUAM summit, an international youth forum attended by leaders of youth organizations from Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova was held in the Ukrainian capital on May 22. The youth leaders signed the charter of a new international youth organization whose aim is to unite younger generations around the presidents of their respective countries and to promote youth involvement in state development.

The establishment of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development-GUAM was hailed by the United States in a joint GUAM-U.S. statement. (For full text, see below.)

- Ukrinform, RFE/RL, Official Website of the President of Ukraine

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 28, 2006, No. 22, Vol. LXXIV

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