Cleveland's Ukrainian Americans support Ukrainian Catholic University

by Zenon J. Miahky

CLEVELAND - Sunday, March 26, was a special day in the life of the Ukrainian American community of greater Cleveland. On this day community members rejoiced at what has been accomplished through the efforts of a group of dedicated people.

A committee had been formed in December of 2005 to raise funds for the Chicago-based Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, which supports the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. The committee, which functioned under the honorary chairmanship of Bishop Robert Moskal, eparch of Parma, Ohio, also had representatives from the nearby cities of Akron and Kent.

The actual fund-raising activities started shortly after the new year. They were directed by Wasyl Liscynesky with the assistance of Wasyl Ilchyshyn who coordinated all work involving the solicitation of donations. A special account was established at the Selfreliance Federal Credit Union for this purpose.

At the same time, plans were made to hold an event at which the rector of the UCU, the Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, would be present. This task was entrusted to: Daria Yakubovych, Iryna Kulick and Ola Migelych, who enlisted the help of others as needed. The committee received valuable input from the president of the UCEF, John Kurey.

By the time the last Sunday in March rolled around, the community was ready to welcome Father Gudziak. After divine liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Josaphat, Bishop Moskal, Father Gudziak and the local clergy came to the Pokrova Ukrainian Catholic Parish to meet with the nearly 300 guests who had gathered there to take part in the festivities.

Present among the clergy were: the Rt. Rev. Mitrat Michael Rewtiuk, who served as an advisor to the committee; the Rev. Mitrat Michael Poloway; the Rev. Wasyl Petriv, pastor of Pokrova Parish; the Very Rev. John Nakonachny, pastor of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral; the Rev. Ihor Kasiyan, pastor of St. Andrew Parish; the Rev. Mykola Dobrutsky; and the Rev. Deacon Michael Kulick.

The parish choir, under the direction of Ola Chepak, opened the program with prayers "Otche nash" and "Bohorodytse Divo." After welcoming remarks by Mr. Liscynesky, a quartet of young parishioners performed two songs with visible enthusiasm.

In the course of the meal, a film was shown featuring various activities taking place at the UCU. Following brief remarks of UCEF President Kurey, Sister Theodora Shulak, a student at the UCU, spoke fervently about her experiences and the many spiritual benefits students receive there.

Addressing the attentive audience, Father Gudziak presented the highlights of everyday life at the university, where great emphasis is placed on the level of spiritual, academic and social education of the student body. He stressed the importance of promoting mutual love and understanding among students of various nationalities and creeds. He noted that these traits are very necessary and especially valuable in post-Soviet times. He also underscored the significance of the fact that the UCU has recently received proper accreditation from the government of Ukraine.

While mentioning various challenges his staff of 338 workers have to face almost on a daily basis, Father Gudziak assured his listeners that the donations from Ukrainian communites in the United States and elsewhere are being put to good use and are, therefore, much appreciated by him personally as well as by the faculty and students.

It was announced during the luncheon that over $100,000 was collected - an amount indicative of the deep understanding of the cause as displayed by both the members of the fund-raising committee and donors.

At the conclusion of this memorable event, a prayer of thanksgiving was offered by the Rev. Nakonachny, and the audience sang "Bozhe Velykyi."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 28, 2006, No. 22, Vol. LXXIV

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