Philadelphia raises $100,000 for Ukrainian Catholic University

PHILADELPHIA - Over 260 guests assembled at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center on April 1 to show their support for the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv and its rector, Father Borys Gudziak.

The evening started with a cocktail hour, where guests had a chance to mingle and talk to Father Gudziak and to diplomats from Ukraine, including Oleksander Aleksandrovych, Mykola Kyrychenko and Andrii Olefirov.

The mistress of ceremonies and the chairperson of the Philadelphia Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich, welcomed the guests to the benefit banquet and called upon Archbishop-Metropolitan Stefan Soroka to "bless the evening and to bless the gathering with a prayer."

Due to a large number of non-Ukrainian guests, the event was conducted in both Ukrainian and English.

The newly appointed consul-general of Ukraine in New York, Mykola Kyrychenko, greeted the assembled and in his brief remarks spoke about the March 26 elections in Ukraine, calling them "fair, transparent and truly democratic." The consul general praised the work of Father Gudziak and the Ukrainian Catholic University, and wished them many long and prosperous years.

The evening was enriched by the well- known Philadelphia pianist Irene Pelech Zwarych. Ms. Zwarych performed the Prelude in E Minor by Vasyl Barvinsky and the "Carpathian Poem" by Mykola Fomenko.

During dinner, John Kurey, president of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, showed three short documentary films on the history, program and activities of the Ukrainian Catholic University. Mr. Kurey encouraged the guests to financially support this institution. He explained: "The university is supported by outside donations. Almost 60 percent of the donors are non-Ukrainians, although the biggest sums are derived from the Ukrainian diaspora."

Mr. Kurey called upon Sister Teodora, who arrived with Father Gudziak, to talk about her experience as a student at the UCU.

Ms. Mazurkevich then introduced Father Gudziak, calling him "the heart and soul of the Ukrainian Catholic University." The guests greeted the rector with a standing ovation. Speaking fluently and interchangeably in English and Ukrainian, he spoke about his youth, the influence of his parents, the Church and the Ukrainian community in Syracuse, N.Y., on his upbringing and on his vocation. He stressed the importance of faith in a person's life.

One of the main themes that Father Gudziak brought up was what he said is considered "the 11th commandment of Pope John Paul II" - "be not afraid." He said that it is important for the Church in the United States, as well as the Church in Ukraine and the university to abide by this "commandment."

Father Gudziak also informed the gathering about the accomplishments of the university. He said that the UCU in Lviv has already graduated over 300 students; more than 900 students now attend the university, among them 200 seminarians.

Father Gudziak concluded his talk by urging everyone not to forget the two most important phrases in everyday Christian life: "thank you" and "forgive me."

The treasurer of the committee, former banker Ihor Shust, gave a financial report of the donations collected during the benefit. The president of the UCEF, Mr. Kurey, called the evening a "spectacular success," attibuting that success to the hard work of the committee and the good heart of the Ukrainian community of Philadelphia.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 4, 2006, No. 23, Vol. LXXIV

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