Report of Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee members were: George Soltys, Branch 327/17; Maya Lew, Branch 5; Wasyl Szeremeta, Branch 247/347; Olya Czerkas, Branch 381; Edward Melnyczuk, Branch 234.

The committee reported the following proposals as resolutions and recommendations.


1. Whereas the 33rd, 34th and 35th Conventions resolved that the bust of the late Patriarch Mstyslav be erected and dedicated at the UNA estate; and

Whereas the General Assemblies after all three conventions refused to follow the resolutions of the convention body, which is the supreme legislative body of our association; and

Whereas resolutions that are passed by the conventions are binding on the subsequent General Assembly,

Be it resolved, that 36th UNA Convention directs the General Assembly as a priority item to erect and dedicate a bust of the late Patriarch Mstyslav at the UNA estate Soyuzivka as soon as possible from the conclusion of this convention.

Passed as a resolution

2. Whereas the official publications of the Ukrainian National Association - Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly - represent a crucial public image for the Ukrainian National Association and are indispensable for the organization in the Ukrainian community at large,

Be it resolved, that a UNA Publications Endowment Fund be created to ensure the future of the UNA's official publications, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, via a permanent reserve fund.

Passed as a resolution

3. Whereas the official publications of the Ukrainian National Association - Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly - represent a crucial public image for the Ukrainian National Association and are indispensable for the marketing of the organization and its activities,

Be it resolved, that the editors-in-chief or their designated staff editors, of the UNA's official publications, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, may attend all meetings of the General Assembly and have the right to participate in discussions at those meetings in an advisory capacity.

Passed as a resolution

4. Whereas the survival of the Ukrainian National Association depends on the continual recruitment of new members and the continued selling of new insurance and annuity policies; and

Whereas the branch secretaries represent the local presence in existence of the Ukrainian National Association in our communities,

Be it resolved, that branch secretaries will be required to sell a minimum of three policies per year to remain in good standing as branch secretaries. If the branch secretary feels that, in good conscience, he/she is unable to meet this annual quota, he/she will be permitted to petition the General Assembly for a waiver of that requirement.

Be it further resolved that the UNA Executive Committee is directed to provide marketing and sales tools to all branch secretaries so that they can compete on a more level playing field with competing products. These marketing and sales tools are to take advantage of all media, both electronic and non-electronic.

Passed as a recommendation

5. Whereas the Constitution and By-Laws of the UNA represent the governing rules for the Ukrainian National Association; and

Whereas the convention body represents the supreme legislative body of our association; and

Whereas the convention body is asked to change by-laws on a quadrennial basis,

Be it resolved, that the By-Laws Committee shall provide full disclosure concerning all recommended by-laws changes, including authorship and key supporting arguments, regardless of whether the committee shall recommend certain recommendations and not others.

Passed as a resolution

6. Whereas presenting the proposed by-laws changes for the first time at a convention does not allow enough time for a thorough discussion, consideration and consultation,

Be it resolved, that the 36th Convention directs the General Assembly to formulate a motion for a by-laws change that would require all proposed by-laws changes to be published in the UNA's official publications, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, not less than 60 days prior to the UNA convention at which the proposed by-laws changes would be considered for adoption.

Passed as a resolution

7. Whereas the Convention By-Laws Committee and Convention Financial Committee fulfill important roles in the life of the Ukrainian National Association; and

Whereas the convention body represents the supreme legislative body of our association; and

Whereas the advisors elected by the convention body have asked for a greater role,

Be it resolved, that the General Assembly assigns all interested advisors to be members of either the Convention By-Laws Committee or the Convention Financial Committee.

Passed as a recommendation

8. Whereas the year 2008 will mark the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-33; and

Whereas a National Committee to Commemorate the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 was formed in 2005, whose mandate was to promote knowledge of the Ukrainian Genocide to the general American society, including government officials, media and the public, and

Whereas specific projects include:

Whereas it is our duty as a Ukrainian fraternal organization to ensure that the past needs to be remembered in order that such atrocities will not be repeated in the future,

Be it resolved, that the 36th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association supports the activity of the National Committee to Commemorate the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 and calls upon the UNA Executive Committee, the UNA General Assembly, UNA branch secretaries and all UNA members to support the measures and projects, and to participate in an active fashion in all events to be held on the national, state or local level.

Be it further resolved that the 36th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association calls upon its official press organs, Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly, to promote the greater knowledge of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933 on their pages, as well as promote the activities of the National Committee.

Passed as a resolution

9. Whereas there is a need to encourage and facilitate enrollment of new members,

Be it resolved, that appropriate training programs and activities be conducted by an accomplished organizer to enhance the sales skills of other members and that a separate section of the UNA website be devoted to information, suggestions and advice for all secretaries.

Passed as a recommendation

10. Whereas time is limited at the convention and many reports need to be reviewed in detail to ensure the continued good of the organization,

Be it resolved, that all General Assembly reports be sent to all delegates at least 30 days in advance of the convention in order to give delegates time to review reports in a timely fashion.

Be it further resolved that the minutes of the current convention of the Ukrainian National Association be distributed to all delegates within six months of the conclusion of this convention, and that the minutes be published in both Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly as soon as possible.

Passed as a recommendation

11. Whereas it is our duty as a Ukrainian fraternal organization to promote and foster a love of the Ukrainian heritage and culture, organizing and educating Ukrainians, especially the youth, providing them with leadership to make them aware of their national origin and cultural heritage,

Be it resolved, that we must continue the Cultural Courses for middle and high school students, similar to the ones that were held in previous years at Soyuzivka, which would teach them language, heritage, geography, history and the arts, and be consistent with the mission of the Soyuzivka Heritage Foundation.

Passed as a resolution

12. Whereas it is very important that the delegates of the UNA convention understand and are well-informed of who the candidates are for elected offices,

Be it resolved, that for the primaries all candidates running for elected office must present themselves to the Elections Committee chairperson with their intention to run. The Elections Committee will then print a primary ballot with all names printed. Write-in ballots would still be permitted.

Passed as a resolution


1. Soyuzivka should offer a senior citizen discount for meals.

Did not pass

2. The Executive Board should continue to monitor insurance and annuity products to maintain competitive products and prices with competing insurers. This information should be disseminated to the branch secretaries to assist them in selling UNA products to future and present clients.


3. Since energy costs account for a large portion of Soyuzivka expenses, the management and staff of Soyuzivka should continue to take all steps possible to make sure the operations and buildings at Soyuzivka are as energy-efficient as possible.


4. When geographically feasible, advisors of the General Assembly should be assigned active roles and responsibilities on the Convention Committee.


5. During the active summer months at Soyuzivka, a staffed UNA kiosk should be created to disseminate pertinent information regarding the UNA and its products.


6. All rooms and conference areas at Soyuzivka should have contemporary telecommunication abilities, including phone service, cable television and Internet access.

Did not pass

7. The UNA Convention should not be held over a holiday weekend.

Did not pass

8. The manager of Soyuzivka shall have an opportunity to have meaningful participation in all discussions during the meetings of the General Assembly.


9. Because a transfer of Soyuzivka to the Soyuzivka Heritage Foundation will not make it self-sufficient, but will only hide the problem, it is strongly recommended that the 36th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association cease its support of Soyuzivka by June 30, 2007, and publish a bimonthly progress report commencing in August 2006.

Did not pass

- Presented by Wasyl Szeremeta and George Soltys

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 11, 2006, No. 24, Vol. LXXIV

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