FOR THE RECORD: U.S. Embassy on Marine Reservists in Ukraine

Following is the text of a statement on the departure of U.S. Marine Reservists delivered on June 13 by Brent Byers, spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

The U.S. Marine reservists invited to Ukraine by the Ukrainian government to construct infrastructure upgrades at Ukraine's military training facility at Staryi Krym in Crimea have departed Ukraine to return to their civilian jobs. As reservists, they are called up for active duty for only two weeks each year.

We are disappointed the Marines were unable to complete these upgrades that would have improved training conditions for Ukraine's armed forces. Those who claimed they had come to construct an American or NATO base were either misinformed or ill-intentioned.

The U.S. is a strong supporter of an independent, democratic Ukraine and this includes the rights of free speech and peaceful assembly. However, it is unfortunate that a few people's misguided agendas were able to interfere with completion of a project that would have benefited Ukrainian soldiers and would have pumped approximately $150,000 into the economy of Feodosiya through local contracts for construction materials and labor.

Although the engineering project was being undertaken in preparation for the upcoming Sea Breeze 2006 exercise, the departure of these Marine reservists will not necessarily influence any future decision regarding that exercise. We hope to move forward with the exercise, providing the Ukrainian government expresses a willingness to conduct Sea Breeze 2006 and the Rada passes the relevant legislation.

Ukraine has been a regular and active participant in Partnership for Peace exercises since 1994. These exercises benefit Ukraine's armed forces through training and improve cooperation and coordination between partner countries.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 18, 2006, No. 25, Vol. LXXIV

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