'Flowers Around the World' display includes arrangement by Ukraine

WASHINGTON - Ukraine was among the nine countries featured in the special "Flowers Around the World" exhibit during the National Cathedral's Flower Mart 2006, the capital city's premier spring garden festival.

A floral arrangement sponsored by the Embassy of Ukraine was on display on May 5-6 in the side aisle of the cathedral's nave, alongside those of Belgium, Jamaica, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States.

According to its accompanying descriptive poster, the arrangement was designed to depict Ukraine's "earth and sky as in the colors of the flag."

Nestled in the midst of sunflowers, delphiniums and South African Gerbera daisies was a surprise: a small nest with two Ukrainian Easter eggs. Listed as participating in its design and preparation were Lydia Chopivsky Benson, Halyna Breslawec, Natalia Holub, Svitlana Nikitiuk, Motria Sloniewsky and Tetiana Tsymbaliuk.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 25, 2006, No. 26, Vol. LXXIV

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