Orange Circle issues statement on recent political events in Ukraine

In response to recent political events in Ukraine, the board of directors of the Orange Circle, a non-partisan, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization headquartered in New York, on July 10 approved the following statement.

1) While the Orange democratic coalition has disintegrated, the effects of the Orange Revolution are permanent. The values of the Orange Revolution have remade Ukraine and created the basis for a more pluralistic society with free media, divided power among the branches of government, and freed economic activity from government intimidation and blackmail. The Orange Revolution stands as a reminder that society will not tolerate the erosion of its hard-won rights, and anyone who holds power will be reticent to test the public's capacity to mobilize in defense of its rights.

2) Contrary to views of critics, the year and a half since the maidan has not been wasted. The private sector has grown more diverse, prosperous and influential; many business leaders have become less politically engaged; real incomes are up significantly; property values are booming; a middle class is expanding; cultural and intellectual discourse has blossomed; media have deepened their independent roots; a nationwide democratic election based on open contestation and a level playing field was held; society and government are more transparent as corrupt schemes and conflicts of interest have been exposed.

3) There are important forces in the Regions and Socialist parties that understand Ukraine's future is in European integration and in the acceptance of the social, market and democratic values of the prosperous West. However, in the circumstances of a likely Regions-Communist-Socialist coalition, there will be serious dangers that anti-democratic and anti-Western voices, as well as those who were involved with the criminal falsification of elections, will have significant influence in the new ruling team and on policy. That anti-democratic influence can only be overcome by the consolidation of supporters of the Orange Revolution's democratic values around the president of Ukraine, who retains significant powers and is responsible for the security of the country and its foreign and defense policy.

4) The Orange Coalition collapsed as a result of great personal ambitions and the failure to compromise for the sake of the common good. Today, when vigilance on behalf of democracy is crucial, those in Ukraine who supported the Orange Revolution need to set aside personal ambitions and consolidate around the president as the guardian of democratic values.

5) The immediate and most crucial challenge to be faced is the struggle for Ukraine's heart and soul. To strengthen its integrity as an independent nation, Ukraine must preserve its distinct national identity and the primacy of the Ukrainian language and culture. That challenge will be faced by the government and the president, but its outcome will be determined by civic discourse, by media, and largely by ordinary Ukrainian citizens and the private sector. Whatever the course of events in the coming days, the friends of democratic Ukraine have a huge obligation and opportunity now to offer assistance and support for those democratic values.

6) Today, as never before, those around the world who supported the Orange Revolution must join together to support Ukraine's reform voices and to work with them, wherever they emerge. Today, as never before, friends of democracy in Ukraine must work together to strengthen the international standing and influence of President Yushchenko, who is chief standard-bearer of democratic values, economic vitality and a Western orientation for Ukraine.

Headquartered in New York, with representation in Kyiv, the Orange Circle is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization that advocates Ukraine's integration into global and European institutions. The Orange Circle promotes investment in Ukraine, works to strengthen democratic values and market reform in Ukraine, and engages Ukraine's leaders in dialogue with their counterparts in North America and Europe.

Our mission is to champion and advance the values that were at the core of Ukraine's Orange Revolution: democracy, honest and transparent government, and pro-market reform, and to accomplish this through the promotion of policy exchanges with Ukraine's top government officials, business leaders and policy analysts; briefings on current economic and political developments in Ukraine; and national and international conferences and seminars.

Led by a small staff of experts with backgrounds in business, government and the non-governmental policy community, the Orange Circle links a network of eminent political scientists, economists, business experts and policymakers.

The organization's board of directors includes Adrian Karatnycky, Ihor Bardyn, George Chopivsky, Nadia Diuk, Adrian Hewryk, Julian Kulas, Roman Kyzyk, Alex Motyl, Ambassador William Green Miller, Ihor Rakowsky and Jim Temerty.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 16, 2006, No. 29, Vol. LXXIV

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