Quotable notes

"...This country is weak as never before, and for 18 months we have been witnessing this fierce struggle for power, in which no one trusts anyone and all available means and methods 'justify the ends.' This political leadership is not only weak. It is irresponsible. In these 18 months nothing has been done to unite the country.

"Nobody seems to care about the cleft that divided the country during the 2004 presidential election campaign. And that's not just weakness. That's what I call irresponsibility. Relations with Russia were spoiled, but no steps have been taken to mend them. That's irresponsible, too. It reflects badly on Ukraine's international image. ...

"I see a feasible way out in the idea of a 'grand coalition.' Proceeding from political reform, this Parliament can form a capable and responsible government. All it takes is strong and sound-minded professionals. I can say openly that the idea of confining the Regions Party faction to the opposition status was wrong and anti-national.

"The 'Orange leaders' were too selfish to understand what Ukraine really needed. They simply wanted to leave out and do without such a serious political force. ...

"In my opinion, it is the president, as the head of state, who could initiate a broad pact of national reconciliation, subscribing all the parliament factions as well as other political forces, public organizations and all citizens of Ukraine. Then we would see who is for the nation's unity and who is after power at any cost. I do believe that only a grand coalition can save this country. ..."

- Former President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, in answer to the question "What is an optimal way out of the situation?" posed by Zerkalo Nedeli on the Web, July 15-21.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, July 30, 2006, No. 31, Vol. LXXIV

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