Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada enthrones Metropolitan John Stinka

WINNIPEG - Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada (UOCC) gathered on Sunday, July 23, at Holy Trinity Metropolitan Cathedral in Winnipeg to officially enthrone their new ruling hierarch, Metropolitan John Stinka. Bishops and dignitaries from across Canada and the United States were in attendance at the archpastoral divine liturgy and rite of enthronement.

The installation concluded a weekend of programming for representatives from UOCC parishes throughout Canada. On Friday, July 21, clergy gathered for a national clergy symposium, while clergy wives met at a conference and retreat. Saturday, July 22, saw special sessions for clergy and laity on management issues for parish councils and a presentation by a special committee struck to examine potential new candidates for the episcopacy of the Church.

Metropolitan John, the first Canadian-born primate of the UOCC, was born into a Ukrainian pioneer family in Buchanan, Saskatchewan. He was the youngest of 12 children. Before entering the priesthood, he was a teacher in public schools in rural Saskatchewan and in the city of Saskatoon.

He was ordained a priest in 1975 and a bishop in 1983. Since 1985 he served as the bishop of Edmonton and the Western Diocese, overseeing parishes in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.

Upon the passing of the UOCC's previous metropolitan, Wasyly Fedak, in January of 2005, Archbishop John became acting primate of the Church. In July 2005, he was elected as the new archbishop of Winnipeg and metropolitan of Canada. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople formally received his election in the fall of 2005, with plans for the official installation made for July of this year.

Metropolitan John is the fifth metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada is under the omophorion of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the enthronement was Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Sotirios of Toronto.

Greeting Metropolitan John, Metropolitan Sotirios said, "We know whom we serve: Jesus Christ. He is the absolute truth, and if we serve that we have nothing to fear. For only the truth will prevail." Greeting Metropolitan John on behalf of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., Archbishop Antony said, "We must stand for what is right in the name of Christ. The greatest way to honor Metropolitan John is to not let him stand alone in his ministry."

In his address to the faithful on Sunday, Metropolitan John said, "I beseech the Lord to give me strength and wisdom to be able to fulfill this responsibility. It is not easy, but the hopes are there that this can be accomplished, not by myself alone but with those who want to assist. May God endow each and everyone of you with strength, wisdom and good health to work for our Church."

Also in attendance on Sunday were representatives from the Serbian Orthodox community of Canada, the Orthodox Church in America's Archdiocese of Canada, and Ukrainian Orthodox of the United States.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 6, 2006, No. 32, Vol. LXXIV

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