Quotable notes

" ... [Viktor] Yanukovych is a bandit. Yes, yes. Once upon a time, Viktor Andriyovych [Yushchenko] was not ashamed to call Yanukovych a bandit. So if he presents him to be prime minister, then he will become a bandit himself.

" Really, the leader of the Party of the Regions is a figure from the 1970s, one speaking in a mixture of criminal slang and the language of 'homo Sovieticus.' [Yulia] Tymoshenko is right in calling the last coalition in Parliament a union between the Communists and criminals. Both of them are bandits. But the Communists have always been state bandits."

- Russian émigré tycoon Boris Berezovsky in an interview with the newspaper Sedognya, July 21 (as reported by the BBC Monitoring Service and reprinted in Action Ukraine Report).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 6, 2006, No. 32, Vol. LXXIV

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