The current political situation in Ukraine: the UCCA reacts

In light of the political crisis now gripping Ukraine, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, the largest umbrella organization of the Ukrainian American community, on July 31 issued the following statement.

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America is disheartened that Ukraine's elected officials have been unable to form a lasting coalition government since the March 2006 elections. As a result of the constant changes in alliances, political infighting, and the lack of will to compromise and put national interests above personal, the Ukrainian nation is suffering by not having a functioning government to represent its interests.

Instability of Ukrainian politics and political leaders' fickle loyalties damage Ukraine's image in the international arena and encumber Ukraine's integration into the Euro-Atlantic community.

The ongoing crisis highlights the rift in the Ukrainian society, which is exploited by the politicians as a means of achieving their personal ambitions. Rather than working toward a compromise, which would bring stability to the country and help enhance Ukraine's economic development and prosperity, Ukrainian politicians exchange ultimatums and continue to exacerbate this serious situation.

The UCCA urges the Ukrainian political elite to remember their responsibilities before the Ukrainian people and move away from senseless argument toward a constructive dialogue. All political forces in Ukraine should look for a way to create a unified, strong, democratic and prosperous Ukrainian nation rather than struggle to prevail in this conflict strictly on their terms.

Therefore, for the sake of the Ukrainian people and the integrity of Ukraine as an independent nation, the UCCA calls upon all political leaders in Ukraine to act in the interest of their electorate, uphold the Constitution and adhere to democratic principles at a time when Ukraine most needs the rule of law.

We urge the Ukrainian leadership to:

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America sends its heartfelt support to the Ukrainian people during these trying times and asks God to guide Ukraine's political leadership and provide it with the strength and foresight it needs to make the right decisions for the future of the Ukrainian nation.

On behalf of the UCCA Executive Board:
Michael Sawkiw, Jr., president
Marie Duplak, executive secretary
Orest Baranyk, External Affairs Commission chair

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 6, 2006, No. 32, Vol. LXXIV

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