For The Next Generation

Plast campers send greetings to The Weekly

Youths from across North America attended Plast Ukrainian Scouting camps during the month of July. Fifteen camps sent greetings signed by the campers and their counselors; a few are seen above: (top row, from left) the camp for novachky at Novyi Sokil in Buffalo, N.Y.; the camp for yunatstvo at Novyi Sokil; the camp for yunachky at Pysanij Kamin in Middlefield, Ohio; the camp for older yunatstvo at Vovcha Tropa in East Chatham, N.Y.; (bottom row) the camp for first-time campers at Vovcha Tropa and the camp for yunaky at Pysanij Kamin.


To solve this month's Mishanyna, find the words that are capitalized

On August 27 we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the BIRTH of Ivan Franko, a great Ukrainian poet and nationalist.

Born in Drohobych county, IVAN FRANKO contributed to Ukrainian culture as a PLAYWRIGHT, publisher, critic, POET, translator and TEACHER.

Franko studied Ukrainian language and philology at Lviv University, where his first works were published in "DRUH," a students' magazine. He continued his studies at Chernivtsi and Vienna universities. Later, in 1894, he was appointed LECTURER of Ukrainian history at Lviv University. He studied many languages and throughout his career translated numerous works by many famous authors such as Homer and Shakespeare.

His works of PROSE comprise over 100 short stories and many novels. His greatest poem, "Moisei," (MOSES, 1905) based on autobiographical material, addressed the relationship between a leader and his people. One of Franko's best known works is "Lys Mykyta," a book of children's fables about a sly FOX.

As a result of his political activism, Franko was arrested three times. "Kamienari" (The Stone Cutters), "Vichnyi revoliutsioner" (The Eternal Revolutionary) and "Ne PORA" (This is Not the Time), were used as patriotic ANTHEMS. His political efforts include co-founding the Ruthenian-Ukrainian RADICAL Party and running as the the Radical Party's candidate for the Austrian Parliament. Franko concluded his political career in 1904, after he joined the Populists and helped to form the National-Democratic Party.

Perhaps the Encyclopedia of Ukraine summarized Ivan Franko best, saying: "With his many gifts, encyclopedic knowledge, and uncommon capacity for work, Franko made outstanding contributions to many areas of Ukrainian culture."

Source: Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Volume I, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1984.

OUR NEXT ISSUE: UKELODEON is published on the second Sunday of every month. To make it into our next issue, dated September 10, please send in your materials by September 1.

UKELODEON, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; phone, (973) 292-9800; e-mail, [email protected]. (We ask all contributors to please include a daytime phone number.)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 13, 2006, No. 33, Vol. LXXIV

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