ODFFU holds quarterly meeting, to celebrate its 60th anniversary

by Marko Suprun

PASSAIC, N.J. - The board of directors of the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine (ODFFU) held its quarterly meeting on July 29 here at the Ukrainian Center, one of the oldest Ukrainian community centers in the United States.

The ODFFU is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and will mark the event with a commemorative banquet on Saturday, October 28. The organization was founded in 1946 by a conference of Ukrainian American organizations in New York to support the struggle for a free and independent Ukraine.

The political stalemate in Ukraine was a topic of discussion among members of the board. "As members of the Ukrainian diaspora, we reiterate our solidarity with the people of Ukraine who stood their ground in defense of their liberties on the maidan [Independence Square] in 2004. Despite the outcome of the current crisis, be it a new round of elections or a national unity government, Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations have to be safeguarded," said Michael Koziupa, president of the ODFFU.

Prof. Walter Zaryckyj, ODFFU's external affairs director, announced this year's annual roundtable conference will be held on October 17-18 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington. This year's roundtable theme will be: "Ukraine and NATO Membership." The ODFFU aims to raise public awareness about Ukraine and sponsors programs that safeguard the rights and liberties of Ukrainians around the world. Earlier in the year, ODFFU organized a letter campaign to representatives of the Russian Federation in the West to stop energy blackmail. Over 800 letters were downloaded from the ODFFU website, www.fourfreedoms.net.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 20, 2006, No. 34, Vol. LXXIV

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