UCCA statement on Ukraine's 15th anniversary of independence

Following is the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America statement on the 15th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. The statement is dated August 2.

The Ukrainian American community has actively worked to restore Ukraine's independence for decades. After this dream was realized in 1991, our focus turned to building a stable system of democratic governance in the country. During the last 15 years, Ukraine has achieved significant progress in this respect: the Ukrainian people have internalized democratic ideals and upheld their right to free and fair elections; Ukraine is at the threshold of entering the Euro-Atlantic community.

Our community has made a significant contribution to these successes, in particular, to the development of bilateral U.S.-Ukraine relations. It is our goal to continue actively participating in the process of democratization so that Ukraine can reclaim its rightful place in the international democratic community. During this time of celebration we look back on the progress Ukraine has made and rejoice together with the people of Ukraine. However, we also remember that there is much work ahead.

Ukrainian Americans continue to work for the benefit of the Ukrainian people in Ukraine, as well as the U.S., especially during these trying times when Ukraine faces the challenge of securing its democracy. On the occasion of Ukraine's 15th anniversary of independence, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America sends its sincere and heartfelt congratulations to the Ukrainian American community and encourages it to appropriately commemorate this event. Although there is much to be done in the future, we are confident in the fact that Ukraine will soon take its rightful place as an equal member of the Euro-Atlantic community. The UCCA also sends its warmest greetings to the people of Ukraine and asks God to lend the nation strength in this time when Ukraine's future is being determined.

We urge our community to take an active part in the civic and political life of the United States and Ukraine. With your help Ukraine will overcome any obstacles and will build a democratic, prosperous state ruled by law!

Glory to Ukraine!

On behalf of the UCCA Executive Board:
Michael Sawkiw Jr., president
Marie Duplak, executive secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 20, 2006, No. 34, Vol. LXXIV

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