FOR THE RECORD: UCC statement on Ukrainian Independence Day 2006

Below is the text of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress statement on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

Fifteen years ago bells of joy pealed in Ukraine: our homeland became a free and independent state. Bells of joy pealed also three months later, on December 1 during the referendum. And finally bells of joy pealed on December 26, 2004, when the will of the people overcame the extraordinary tribulations of the Orange Revolution. These bells of joy rang in the hearts of millions of Ukrainians, living in Ukraine and beyond its borders, who fought for the independence of a Ukrainian state over many long years. They were a cry from our heroes, past and present, who throughout the history of Ukraine stood together and will continue to stand in defense of truth and freedom.

The sound of these bells reverberated across the entire globe wherever Ukrainians are found and wherever beat Ukrainian hearts. This sound is a sign of the victory of truth, which arose to forever stand on guard for a free democratic Ukrainian state. The people are listening closely to this sound. They are aware that only freedom will defend all that is dear and important to the life of every human being, give an opportunity to express one's views freely, participate in truly democratic elections, and pray to God according to one's chosen confession.

Despite the latest troubles in Ukraine, which cause and continue to cause us concern, I am deeply convinced that our nation is strong enough to rise to the high responsibility for its state and its destiny. It can never again be led astray by internecine struggle. We must believe that common reason, a sense of responsibility and deep patriotism will prevail over all existing difficulties. It cannot be otherwise.

We also want to believe that the bells, to which I alluded previously, will not cease to ring and that the people will continue to listen to them in order to improve the situation in Ukraine, understanding that these last events will not deter the return to full democratic power.

All of us, Ukrainians in Canada, look forward impatiently toward the blessed moment of our nation's return to a full, stable democracy. And while we remain afar physically, spiritually we are always with Ukraine, for we are all children of one mother - Ukraine. Throughout many years we have tried to give moral and financial support to Ukraine. We constantly prayed: "O Great, One and Only God, save our Ukraine. Protect her with the rays of freedom and light." We continue to pray in communion with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

While bringing these greetings to you on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine, I want to bring to mind the moving words of Vasyl Symonenko that should forever become our guiding light.

My people are! My people shall forever be!

No one shall invalidate my people!

Orysia Sushko, president
Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 27, 2006, No. 35, Vol. LXXIV

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