VOX POPULI: Community members share their thoughts on Ukraine's independence

On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, The Ukrainian Weekly asked Ukrainian Americans and Ukrainian Canadians two questions:

1) What are your thoughts as Ukraine celebrates the 15th anniversary of its independence?

2) Has Ukraine lived up to your expectations?

The responses were collected by Matthew Dubas and Andrew Nynka.

Lydia Bilous, 63, Osprey, Fla.:

1) I wish it would go more toward the Ukrainian side and join NATO and not go back toward the Moscow influence because I think it's headed that way.

2)Yes and no. Considering my U.S. citizenship, and my expectations of Ukraine, I didn't have huge expectations - maybe hopes. But my expectations are exactly where Ukraine is today, given Ukraine's Soviet-bred leadership.

Ihor Zahorodny, 55, Chicago:

1) I think the concept was super, but is it [Ukraine's independence] reality or not? Unfortunately, the politicians are not doing their job.

2) No. The cost of living has gone up, supposedly the government has collected money, but young people are leaving the country.

Helen Charysz, 59, Oshawa, Ontario:

1) I think they've been through a lot of turmoil and they have a long way to go. Thank God they do have their independence.

2) Yes and no. The Orange Revolution - it was hard-fought and yet they seem to have taken a step back again.

Matthew Dmyterko, 25, Naugatuck, Conn.:

1) I am happy that Ukraine is celebrating, but I'm not sure that voting [Viktor] Yanukovych into power will help Ukraine.

2) Yes it has. Ukraine is becoming more politically mature, maintaining democratic practices and is gaining respect as an independent country by the West.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 27, 2006, No. 35, Vol. LXXIV

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