FOR THE RECORD: UACC statement on Independence Day

Following is the text of a statement on Ukrainian Independence Day issued by the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council on August 24.

The Ukrainian American Coordinating Council extends its greeting to the people of Ukraine, the president, the government and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as well as to the Ukrainian community in the United States on the occasion of the 15th year of Ukrainian independence.

On this great occasion in Ukrainian history, we wish to express our personal admiration for the Ukrainian people, who despite the serious threatening events of the last two years have nevertheless shown their great dedication to democratic principles and their respect for the Ukrainian Constitution.

We call upon the Ukrainian people to continue their vigilant protection of the freedom, democracy and rule of law of the Ukrainian nation. We likewise call upon the Ukrainian people in all parts of Ukraine, despite artificially introduced regional differences, to tirelessly seek out brotherly understanding and agreement in order to peacefully resolve all conflicts.

We call upon the governing structures in Ukraine and the leaders of all political parties and camps to always place the good of the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian state above all personal or party interests. We urge them to strongly defend and to strengthen the independence and unity of Ukraine and to uphold those national ideals that were proclaimed when Ukraine became independent in 1991 and reaffirmed on the maidan during the Orange Revolution of 2004.

Finally, we call upon the Ukrainian community in the U.S. not to lose faith in Ukraine's great future but to use all our resources to continue to help Ukraine to fulfill her great potential. At the same time, we urge all Ukrainians who live in the U.S. to remember to work toward the common good of our own community in a way that is consistent with our own professed ideals.

Slava Ukraini!

For the Executive Board of the UACC:
Ihor Gawdiak, president

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 3, 2006, No. 36, Vol. LXXIV

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