Chornomorska Sitch swimmers win team championship at Soyuzivka meet

by Marika Bokalo

KERHONKSON, N.Y. - Neither the remnants of hurricane Ernesto, nor the frigid pool water could stop undaunted swimmers from participating in the 50th annual Labor Day swim meet at Soyuzivka, which was postponed one day due to the weather conditions. Of the 75 pre-registered swimmers, about 50 braved the elements to participate in the races.

Due to the inclement weather, the opening ceremonies for the annual Tennis and Swimming Championships of the Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada (known under the Ukrainian-based acronym of USCAK) took place in the Veselka Hall.

Marika Bokalo, swim chair for USCAK, greeted all present and thanked them for coming. More greetings and words of encouragement were offered by USCAK Tennis Chair George Sawchak, Carpathian Ski Club (KLK) representative Ivan Durbak, and Ukrainian National Association Treasurer Roma Lisovich.

Myron Stebelsky, president of USCAK, presented a short history of the past 50 years of swim races at Soyuzivka and expressed congratulations and gratitude to the organizers of the tennis and swim meets and to all the participants.

To further celebrate this anniversary, commemorative T-shirts designed by Myron Bokalo and donated by USCAK were distributed to all the participants and volunteers.

After the opening ceremonies, the excited swimmers braved the cold waters and wind with much enthusiasm. The successful swim meet was the result of the hard work of many volunteers. The meet was organized and led by Mrs. Bokalo. The untiring judges, who danced between the raindrops, were John Makar and Tom Dunigan.

Scores were recorded and tallied by Taissa Bokalo Hegarty, Luba Humeniuk, Christine Peters and Nicholas Prociuk. The tenacious timers were: Peter Prociuk, George Humeniuk, Taras Kozak, Annie Jakyma, Irene Stolar, Myron Olesnyckyj, Christine Tershakovec, Mary McPhillips, Andrew Tershakovec, Zenon Cybriwsky, Talia Hirniak and Greg Serheev.

After the races, the trophies were awarded in the lobby of the Main House. Mrs. Bokalo thanked the swimmers for their participation and endurance, thus making the 2006 meet such a great event.

Appreciation and gratitude were expressed to the UNA for sponsoring the beautiful trophies and medals awarded to the winners, and heartfelt appreciation was offered to Soyuzivka and its staff for providing the swimming pool and making all this possible.

The trophies were distributed by Ms. Lisovich, UNA; Omelan Twardowsky and Ms. Bokalo-Hegarty, USCAK; Ms. Peters and Nicholas Prociuk, Chornomorska Sitch; Darka Mosuriak, SUM; and Ms. Tershakovec, Tryzub.

This year the club championship was captured by Chornomorska Sitch with 170 points. Tryzub came in second place with 148 points, and third place went to SUM with 98 points. Individual results are listed in the summary accompanying this article.

After the ceremony, there were many embraces and good-byes, as young athletes promised to see each other next year - same weekend, same place.


Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 24, 2006, No. 39, Vol. LXXIV

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