OSCE Project Coordinator's Office helps train Ukrainian prosecutors

KYIV - Twenty Ukrainian prosecutors are taking part in a training course in September in Kyiv on combating trafficking in human beings. The course was organized by the office of the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine and the country's Academy of Prosecutors.

Experts from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the Public Prosecution Service in Poland, as well as from Ukraine's Supreme Court, Internal Affairs Ministry and NGOs will help discuss current anti-trafficking legislation, ways to help victims of trafficking, local and international cooperation in the field, cooperation between law enforcement bodies and civil society, and the role organized crime plays in trafficking.

Discussions will also focus on witness protection measures, the use of closed-door hearings in trafficking cases, and the creation of an informal network of specialized prosecutors on human trafficking in Ukraine.

After completing the five-day course, participants will be able to use their newly developed skills and the methodology to train their colleagues.

The course was financed by contributions from the governments of Austria and France.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 8, 2006, No. 41, Vol. LXXIV

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