Quotable notes

"...While academia, media and Hollywood rightly keep attention on the Jewish Holocaust, they ignore Ukraine. We still hunt Nazi killers, but not Communist killers. There are few photos of the Ukraine genocide or Stalin's gulag, and fewer living survivors. Dead men tell no tales.

"Russia never prosecuted any of its mass murderers, as Germany did.

"We know all about crimes of Nazis Adolf Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler; about Babi Yar and Auschwitz.

"But who remembers Soviet mass murderers Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria? Were it not for Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we might never know of Soviet death camps like Magadan, Kolyma and Vorkuta. Movie after movie appears about Nazi evil, while the evil of the Soviet era vanishes from view or dissolves into nostalgia.

"The souls of Stalin's millions of victims still cry out for justice."

- Eric Margolis, contributing foreign editor for Sun National Media Canada, in a commentary on LewRockwell.com, August 28.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 8, 2006, No. 41, Vol. LXXIV

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