More on our partnership

Two weeks ago our editorial was devoted to the 73rd anniversary of The Ukrainian Weekly - 73 years of service to our Ukrainian community, a community we've grown up with and changed with. Our editorial of October 1 focused on our newspaper's beginnings and its raison d'etre, and concluded that through the years The Weekly always was a partner to our community.

This week we'd like to expand on the idea behind that partnership.

The Ukrainian Weekly can best be viewed as a network that connects our community members far and wide, that lets readers in, say, North Carolina, know what their fellow Ukrainians are up to in Michigan and vice versa. We pride ourselves on our relationship with our readers and our role as an intermediary in uniting disparate and distant elements of our community, from Newark, N.J., to Quebec City. We characterize our newpaper's functioning as a partnership with our community.

Why a partnership? Because for decades this paper has worked with our community activists by providing a forum for their ideas and opinions, serving as a venue where various concerns and causes could be addressed, and galvanizing community action on issues of the day. The Weekly has been a crusader working alongside our community organizations to promote such grand projects as Ukrainian studies chairs at Harvard University, the Shevchenko monument in Washington, redress for the World War I internment of Ukrainian Canadians, a U.S. government commission on the Ukrainian Famine and international recognition of the Holodomor as a genocide. The Weekly has been our community's voice in Washington and beyond since our newspaper is read by members of Congress and other leading decision-makers, analysts and scholars.

To be sure, there are other Ukrainian community newspapers that serve our hromada. However, many of them serve a specific geographic area (newspapers in Philadelphia and Chicago come to mind). Yes, it's nice that Ukrainians in a particular city can read about their neighbors and issues close to home. But isn't it nicer to share that information with Ukrainians in other parts of North America?

And, sure, there is a lot of information available on the World Wide Web. But, you'd be hard-pressed to find online in one place everything that you find in an issue of The Ukrainian Weekly - from news of our community here in the United States to information about prominent Ukrainians in all walks to life, from analyses of current issues and commentaries to reports from Ukraine presented for our North American readers by a Ukrainian American correspondent who understands our community's needs and writes specifically for them.

The Ukrainian Weekly, at age 73, strives to continue being a good partner to all its readers and our community at large. In order to continue in that role, however, The Weekly also needs the support of its partners - after all, a partnership is based on the cooperation of both sides - in the form of subscriptions. Thus, we are announcing an anniversary subscription drive and asking our loyal subscribers, and readers who are not subscribers, to pitch in.


In hopes of extending our partnership to new readers, we are offering a special limited-time offer on new subscriptions - or gift subscriptions for new subscribers that can be purchased by current subscribers. (Why not consider a neighbor, a colleague or a family member?) To celebrate this newspaper's 73rd anniversary, for $73 you can now purchase two subscriptions to The Ukrainian Weekly.

That's a cost of $36.50 per year - a substantial savings over the regular annual cost of $45 for members of the Ukrainian National Association and an even greater savings for non-members who pay $55 per year for The Weekly.

You can take advantage of this special offer only by phoning our Subscription Department at 973-292-9800, ext. 3042. (If a representative of our administration is not immediately available to answer your call, please don't hesitate to leave a message. We will call you back.)

Won't you act to expand the scope of our partnership?

Please hurry, our special offer expires on November 15, 2006.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, 2006, No. 42, Vol. LXXIV

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