Sheptytsky beatification process moves forward

Religious Information Service of Ukraine

KYIV - The most recent session of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) reported that the beatification process for Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, head of the UGCC from 1901 to 1944, is moving forward in Rome.

Father Roman Terekhovskyi of the UGCC's Postulation Center, the vice-postulator for Metropolitan Sheptytsky's cause, commented on the latest developments, noting that Sheptytsky's cause has gone to the Vatican's Theological Commission.

UGCC Bishop Michael Hrynchyshyn, head of the Synod's Committee on Beatification and Canonization, said that this is a great step toward beatifying Metropolitan Sheptytsky. The Synod met on September 13-20 in Briukhovychi, near Lviv.

"The fact that the beatification cause of Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky was recently passed for further work to the special Theological Commission of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome formally means that, after appropriate positive assessment of the status of the historical credibility and authenticity of the documentary materials gathered during the long-lasting beatification process (on the basis of archival documents and eyewitness testimonies), the cause itself has passed to the competency of those holding governing positions in the Roman Congregation for the Causes of Saints, who should in an appropriate way assess also the quality of the facts gathered in this cause," said Father Terekhovskyi.

According to Father Terekhovskyi, after the commission confirms the fact of the metropolitan's heroic virtues (de heroicitate virtutibus) throughout his life, his faith and service to God and neighbor, his official status will be designated "venerable," which will make possible his recognition as a "blessed" of the Catholic Church.

Father Terekhovskyi added that a documented miraculous healing performed through the metropolitan's intercession will then allow his beatification.

The beatification process for Metropolitan Sheptytsky began in 1958.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 22, 2006, No. 43, Vol. LXXIV

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