Ukrainian World Congress appeal to Yushchenko regarding the museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Following is the text of an appeal to President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine from the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC). The Ukrainian-language statement was released to the press on October 2 by the UWC; an English translation was published on October 9 by Action Ukraine Report.

Honorable Mr. President:

One of the places that with great sorrow etched itself in the memory of all of mankind is the largest of Hitler's concentration camps Auschwitz-Birkenau, where, according to unofficial data, from 1.5 million to 4 million representatives of nearly all countries of Europe were subjected to utter destruction. Every day hundreds of people of various nationalities, including youth, head to this place to learn the truth about this horrific crime against humanity and honor the innocent fallen prisoners.

As is well-known, during the post-war years a state museum "Auschwitz-Birkenau" was created on the territory of the former concentration camp that became a symbol of terrible suffering and death. In our day, the former prison barracks have been converted into museum expositions on the nationalities of various states (each of the nationalities is given one floor of a two-story barrack). Here you can see documentation including enlarged photographs and informative sketches about the fate of the sons and daughters of various nations who dwelled in the German mills of death. Today the Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, French, Dutch, Austrians, Yugoslavs and Roma have such expositions, and the opening of Italian and Belgian expositions is planned. One of the barracks presently under reconstruction is designated for the Soviet prisoners.

Because of the "non-governmental status" of Ukraine until recently, an exposition about the imprisoned Ukrainians, the number of which is fairly substantial, was not created at Auchwitz. Among them [the imprisoned Ukrainians] was a large number of imprisoned Soviet servicemen, over 300 members of the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) that were arrested after the June 30, 1941, declaration of the restoration of Ukrainian statehood, and hundreds of Ukrainians who fell into German hostility because of resistance to the inhumane actions of the Nazis. We are aware that to this time Ukraine has not appealed to the Auschwitz complex committee for the allotment of space for a Ukrainian exposition, and the [committee] recognizes only the application of individual states.

The Ukrainian World Congress is perturbed about this issue in light of the necessity to organize an exposition and also in conjunction with the fact that most of the barracks have already been given away to other nations for exhibitions. We note that the two-story 14th barrack is precisely the one in which multiple groups of Ukrainian political prisoners stayed (among them were two brothers, Vasyl and Oleksa, of the founder of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, Stepan Bandera). It is currently under reconstruction. The 14th and 17th barracks are closely tied to the fate of a large number of Ukrainians who lived their last days there, suffered inhuman torture and met with a harsh death at the hands of Nazi executioners. We are aware that even your deceased father was imprisoned at Auschwitz. This is why we believe that you personally deeply understand and share our desire to honor the memory of Ukrainian victims of the Auschwitz terror. There is no better opportunity than this for the creation of a Ukrainian exposition on the territory of the largest Nazi concentration camp.

In connection with the above, the Ukrainian World Congress asks you, Honorable Mr. President, to address the administration of the Auschwitz complex with a request to allot one of the floors of the 14th barrack for a Ukrainian exposition. The Ukrainian World Congress and the World League of Ukrainian Political Prisoners, in turn, are prepared to assist in the design of this exposition and in securing the necessary funds for this work.

We ask you also to note that it is imperative to act immediately. In the case of rejection regarding the 14th barrack, you could make inquiry regarding the 8th, 9th, 26th and 28th barracks currently unengaged in exhibits.

With respect,
In behalf of the Ukrainian World Congress:
Askold Lozynskyj, president

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 22, 2006, No. 43, Vol. LXXIV

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