Saskatchewan's first Ukrainian bilingual school opens

by Angela Wasylow

SASKATOON, Saskatchewan - History was made on Thursday, September 28, as Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School - the first Ukrainian bilingual school in the province of Saskatchewan - was officially opened and blessed. Bishop Michael Wiwchar, together with the Rev. Bohdan Demczuk and the Rt. Rev. Vladimir Mudri, celebrated a moleben and blessed the school, staff and students.

Jim Carriere, chair of the Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Board, officially opened the school and together with the oldest student, Matthew Bilinski, and the youngest student, Salome Senger, unveiled the new name of the school. The students then rang a bell signaling the beginning of the school year.

The 160 kindergarten to Grade 8 students showcased their linguistic and religious education skills by replying to the moleben and singing hymns and prayers. Maria Kowaluk and Linden Predy gave a tribute to the late Bishop Basil Filevich. The choir pieces moved the audience of about 170 guests, including 35 Ukrainian language students from E.D. Feehan Catholic High School.

Principal Angela Wasylow recognized others who have helped along the journey toward a single-stream school. Walter Podiluk, former director of education, was a keen supporter of the beginning of the bilingual program in 1979. John Lewchuk was board chair when the movement toward a single stream school began. Dr. Helen Horsman, former director of education, was instrumental in the designation of the school.

Bishop Wiwchar lobbied the school board for what he knew the community desired and could sustain, Mrs. Wasylow noted. The work of Nadia Prokopchuk, Ukrainian education consultant, Saskatchewan Learning, has been invaluable. Randy Warick, former superintendent of schools worked diligently on behalf of students and parents. The present superintendent of schools, John McAuliffe, is a dedicated and effective leader.

Former principals of the Ukrainian bilingual program each gave valuable service, while staff and parents have been steadfast in their dream of a single stream facility and their hard efforts have been rewarded, Mrs. Wasylow concluded.

For 27 years the bilingual program has served the families of the entire city of Saskatoon, first at St. Goretti School and more recently as the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Bilingual Program at Holy Family School.

The present staff members include Principal Wasylow; Vice-Principal Olya Kowaluk, who is also a learning assistance teacher and "sadochok" teacher, teachers Brenda Kelln, Julie Thachuk, Lydia Gabruch, Maureen Romanchuk, Bohdan Zerebecky, Alvin Bodnarchuk, Catherine Schabel; teacher assistants Mary Holowachuk and Stacia Horbay and Office Coordinator, Sonia Kodak. The band teacher is Carol Weninger-Calver, while George Jedlicki is student counselor. Laurisse Marchessault is a language assistance teacher. Caretakers are Shannon Martin and Vanessa Miskolzie.

Guest speakers included Mr. Carriere, of the Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, Bishop Wiwchar, Mrs. Prokopchuk, Superintendent McAuliffe, Slawko Kindrachuk of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Saskatoon Branch, and Chrystal Polanik, president of the Home and School Association.

The program was marked by a sense of gratitude to those who helped reach the goal of a Ukrainian bilingual school, as well as the need for the entire Ukrainian community to actively support and enhance the school.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 5, 2006, No. 45, Vol. LXXIV

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