Quotable notes

"A ship must always know what its destination harbor is. Lighthouses are needed in navigation. The same holds true for our strivings for Europe. We would like to see the shine, the light, that shows our country and our people what the destination is."

- President Viktor Yushchenko, speaking about Ukraine's expectations regarding the European Union, in an interview with Helsigin Sanomat International Edition Online, October 22, as cited in Action Ukraine Report.

"We are not neighbors of Europe, we are part of Europe. For us, it is not pleasant to be in the same basket as Morocco, Libya or Israel."

- Roman Shpek, head of Ukraine's mission at the European Union, in a news story filed from Brussels by the Associated Press, October 25.

"We don't necessarily have to reach the goal [EU membership] - what's important is deriving maximal benefits from the journey toward that goal."

- Oksana Bilozir, chairwoman of the Verkhovna Rada's International Relations Subcommittee, referring to Ukraine's current policy on relations with the European Union, as cited by a commentary published in the Moscow-based newspaper Izvestia on November 1.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 12, 2006, No. 46, Vol. LXXIV

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