U.S.-Ukraine Foundation awards scholarships to students in Ukraine

WASHINGTON - The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation awarded $24,000 in scholarships to 41 outstanding college students in Ukraine through its Sutaruk Scholarship Fund. The awards, which ranged from $300 to $1,500 per pupil, recognized the academic achievement and English language proficiency of students from the western Ukrainian villages of Dubno and Nityshyn. The scholarship assists students as they pursue their studies at various universities throughout Ukraine in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Ternopil, Rivne, Lutsk and other cities.

John A. Kun, U.S.-Ukraine Foundation vice-president, and Chrystia Sonevytska, special projects coordinator, presented the scholarships at an awards ceremony held in Dubno, Ukraine, in October.

Commenting on the scholarship opportunity, Mr. Kun stated: "It is a pleasure for us to work with the Sutaruk Foundation and especially with Kathy Meyer, the Sutaruk Foundation's coordinator. By helping one student at a time, this scholarship is part of the broader mission of strengthening U.S.-Ukraine relations."

Scholarship recipients, who hail from the ancestral communities of the Sutaruk family, are: Daryna Shmyndruk, Lubov Trofymyuk, Olga Dzhychka, Oksana Androshchuk, Kateryna Barabash, Roman Denysyuk, Taras Syvakivsky, Mykola Ovsiyuk, Lina Fuks, Vira Belikhova, Oleksandra Brynyuk, Roman Panchuk, Viktoriya Vlasyuk, Yuliya Skvortsova, Svitlana Semenyuk, Olena Hofman, Iryna Sundatova, Bohdana Zakharova, Oksana Drozdach, Mykola Petruk, Zoryana Moroz, Anna Panchuk, Yuriy Sos, Andriy Kruk, Ira Strykel, Arsen Kyrylyuk, Yuliya Anholyuk, Vita Vyshnevska, Yulia Momotuk, Kateryna Simak, Andriy Tymoschuk, Yuliya Matsyuk, Maryana Honsior, Tetyana Lopaschuk, Hanna Vyshnevska, Maryana Tsaruk, Olena Kokhan, Svitlana Skoropadska, Iryna Morhunova, Inna Svintozelska and Yuliya Papuzhynska. For photos and brief background of the participants, readers may long on to http://www.usukraine.org/sutaruk.shtml.

To contribute to the Sutaruk Scholarship Fund, or to start a scholarship program supporting students in Ukraine, readers may contact Mr. Kun at [email protected] or at 202-223-2228.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 19, 2006, No. 47, Vol. LXXIV

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