Saskatchewan Ukrainians honor "nation builders," community leaders

SASKATOON, Saskatchewan - Guests from across Saskatchewan and Canada, among them Dr. Gordon Barnhart, lieutenant-governor of Saskatchewan, and his wife, Naomi, attended a sold-out awards luncheon in Saskatoon on November 5 to pay tribute to 10 very special people.

Recognition events, now known as the Nation Builders and Community Recognition Awards Luncheon, have been held in various centers around Saskatchewan every year since 1995 under the auspices of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress - Saskatchewan Provincial Council (UCC-SPC) to celebrate the contributions of individuals with ties to the province.

This year, four individuals were recognized as nation builders for providing outstanding service without reward or gain and having made a lasting impact regionally, nationally and/or internationally:

Community Recognition Awards were presented to six individuals for meritorious contributions in the following areas:

"The Ukrainian community has made astounding contributions to Canada since the first immigrants arrived over a century ago," said Lt. Gov. Barnhart in his greetings to the 250 assembled.

"The positive impact of Ukrainian Canadians has been especially significant in Saskatchewan, where we have been served by lieutenant governors (Dr. Stephen Worobetz and Dr. Sylvia Fedoruk), a premier (Roy Romanow) and a chief Justice (Edward Bayda) who are of Ukrainian heritage."

Former Saskatchewan Premier Romanow, who was recognized as a nation builder in 1999, was present at the awards dinner as a guest of his cousin, Brig. Gen. Romanow, who was honored this year.

Formal greetings were brought from the City of Saskatoon by Mayor Don Atchison; from the Province by Pat Atkinson, member of the Legislative Assembly for Saskatoon Nutana and minister for immigration, advanced education and the Public Service Commission, and UCC-SPC President Eugene Krenosky, who presided over the event.

The UCC-SPC is an inclusive, vibrant, self-sustaining provincial cultural organization that serves the Saskatchewan Ukrainian community to maintain, develop and share its Ukrainian Canadian identity, culture and aspirations.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 10, 2006, No. 50, Vol. LXXIV

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