Telnyuk Sisters music video seen on YouTube and Google

KYIV - After more than a three-year absence from Ukraine's musical arena, the Telnyuk Sisters are taking a new approach and pre-empting the release of their latest album, "About Both Sides of the Sun and the Moon," with a premiere of their video of their song "Vechirnyk" from the album using new media technologies.

The video was produced by Ukrainian Producer Taras Khymych and was released simultaneously on YouTube and Google Video on November 17. The video is available at: and http://video. 68538915479477&hl=en.

"It's all about positioning yourself in front of your audience and potential audience regardless of where they are located on the face of this planet. But more clearly it's about thinking outside of the traditional structure of marketing and managing today's musical talents," said Rostislav Shtyn, principle of DANAPRO Ltd, which since the end of October has been managing the duet.

"The video release is just a small part of what we are doing with the Telnyuk Sisters leading up to the release of their CD, and their mini-promo tour of their album in six Ukrainian cities, starting on December 13. It's a new approach for the duet and while it has added to everyone's workload, it's what is necessary in today's industry," added Mr. Shtyn.

Since their appearance on the Ukrainian music scene in 1986 the Telnyuk Sisters have been laureates of the 1989 and 1991 Chervona Ruta festivals, were awarded first prize at the "New Names" National Competition, and the Vasyl Stus Award in 1998.

They have recorded seven albums: "The Magic Span of Time" (1991), "Halya and Lesya" (1994), "Silence and Thunder" (1998), "Concerts in Canada" (2000), "U.B.N. Songs from the Play" (2001), "Wind of the Century" (2002), "Firebirds" (2002), and their double disk compilation CD titled "Selected" (2005).

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 17, 2006, No. 51, Vol. LXXIV

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