Szmagala honored by Pittsburgh society as Ukrainian of the Year

PITTSBURGH - The 2006 Ukrainian of the Year Award was presented to Taras G. Szmagala of Brecksville, Ohio, by the Ukrainian Technological Society at its 37th annual dinner-dance on Saturday, November 25, at the Pittsburgh Athletic Club in the city of Oakland section.

Members and guests were welcomed by President George Honchar, who then introduced previous Ukrainian of the Year awardees and past presidents of the society who were present, executive committee members who planned the dinner-dance and special guests, including the Rev. Msgr. George Appleyard, dean of the Central Deanery of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma; Judge Bohdan A. Futey; Marina K. Morari Switzerland; Dr. Mary Efremov and sons from New York City; and Stefan Kaczaraj, president of the Ukrainian National Association.

UTS Treasurer Daria B. Jakubowycz nominated Mr. Szmagala for the Ukrainian of the Year Award, noting his 24 years of service in the General Assembly of the Ukrainian National Association; his presidency of the Ukrainian Youth League of North America; his current leadership as chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Museum-Archives of Cleveland; and his service in many other Ukrainian, civic, social and political organizations in the Cleveland area.

In his acceptance remarks, Mr. Szmagala noted his family's willing service to the UNA, including that of his father, his own and now that of his son, Taras Jr. He was especially proud of his current work with the Ukrainian Museum-Archives, which he urged all to visit to see its world-renowned collections. The museum recently added a new building and hired a professional curator.

UTS Secretary Nickolas C. Kotow nominated Brig. Gen. Andrew N. Farley (U.S. Army Reserves), an attorney now of The Woodlands, Texas, for the society's Friendship Award given to non-Ukrainians. Mr. Farley, formerly of Pittsburgh, was honored for his financial underwriting of the five-volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine and "Festive Ukrainian Cooking," written by his wife, Marta Pisetska Farley, and published by the University of Pittsburgh Press. In addition he was recognized for arranging talks by two Ukrainian ambassadors to the United States to the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh; and for his hospitality to Ukrainian visitors to Pittsburgh, with whom he energetically discussed current events in Ukraine.

In his acceptance remarks, Mr. Farley urged his listeners to enter into the cultural, economic and political spheres of present-day Ukraine.

Each of the awardees was then presented a colorful plaque created by graphic artist Kathy Boykowycz and a proclamation from Mayor Luke Ravenstahl of Pittsburgh, recognizing their award.

UTS President Honchar and Msgr. Appleyard led the singing of "Mnohaya Lita" for Messrs. Szmagala and Farley.

After dinner, the guests enjoyed dancing to the music of the Ostap Stahiv Orchestra from Cleveland.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 24, 2006, No. 52, Vol. LXXIV

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