Sunday, October 28, 2001

Kyiv acknowledges responsibility for jet's downing, Kuchma accepts defense minister's resignation
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Anthrax scares hit Ukraine
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Ukrainian center attacked in Moscow
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Requiem concert in Kyiv recalls victims of terrorist attacks in U.S.
by Roman Woronowycz
Kyiv Press Bureau

Western support increases for Baltic membership in NATO
by Taras Kuzio
RFE/RL Newsline


Kyiv, Prague disagree on debt
Transdniester leader visits Kyiv
Yuschenko sues Financial Times
Pliusch's driver, bodyguard found dead
Rushailo: jet downed by missile
New agency to fight money laundering
Why did minister lie about jet crash?
NGOs want compensation for crash
Communists disrupt land code debate
30,000 illegals detained per year
Moroz calls for broad election bloc
Rada inquires about Melnychenko tapes
Foreign minister visits Georgia
Zlenko discusses trade with Armenia
PM concludes visit to Moldova
Ukraine bans duty-free sugar imports
Citizens protest work at Kuropaty site
Russia connects tariffs to religious issue

Terrorist attacks on U.S.: the international reaction
Special from RFE/RL Newsline

Powell refers to Chechen "resistance"
Putin, Bush agree on fighting terrorism
Zhirinovsky: Russia deserves concessions
Coalition basis for new world order?
Four states to coordinate Afghan relief
Ministry denies anthrax of Russian origin
Estonian PM cites Cheney's support
Chechen MD: West ignores brutality
U.S. envoy thanks Uzbekistan's Muslims
Russians don't support alliance
Commentators: U.S. faces tough going
Paper says U.S. guilty of terrorism

One-of-a-kind shelter in Kyiv for victims of domestic violence reflects societal views
by Yana Sedova
Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

Kuchma set to sign election law
by Jan Maksymiuk
RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report

Quotable notes

Virginia Ukrainians celebrate fifth anniversary of association
by Tom Krop

OBITUARY: Barbara Gruchowsky, 105, oldest member of Florida's Ukrainian community

UUARC on national list

Thanks to our August donors

The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund: August 2001

Ukrainian Orthodox Church in U.S. holds 16th triennial Sobor
UOC-USA Office of Public Relations

Newark prayer service mourns victims of terror
by Roma Hadzewycz

Where have all the students gone?

Turning the pages back...
Novembe 1, 1998

Amnesty International report cites human rights failings of Ukraine

NYC public scoping meeting scheduled to discuss Cooper Union's plans for Taras Shevchenko Place
by Andrew Nynka

by Myron B. Kuropas
Immigration: benefit or bane?


Event in Ohio capital had glaring absence
U.S. should take closer look at allies
Former envoy to U.S. is now in Romania

Canadian Ps and Bs letter to Prime Minister Jean Chretien

University of Waterloo hosts indoor soccer tournament
by Andrew Nynka

Ukrainian American Veterans hold 54th annual convention at Soyuzivka
by Anna Krawczuk

UMANA board holds quarterly meeting during "Ukrainian Weekend" in San Francisco
by George Hrycelak

Ostap Hawaleshka recognized with appointment to Order of Canada
by Oksana Zakydalsky

District hospital in Yavoriv aids local population through CCRF donations
by Olena Welhasch

A dialogue decades in the making: conference examines Ukrainian-Moldovan-Romanian relations
by Anatolii Kruglashov

Ukrainian translation of 'Ukraine Between East and West' is launched
by Serhii Plokhy

Polish-Ukrainian college is inaugurated in Lublin
by Jan Maksymiuk
RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report

Survey says... these are the top 100 Ukrainian heroes/heroines
by Prof. Roman Yereniuk

DATELINE NEW YORK: Folk singers, opera stars and TV luminaries
by Helen Smindak

Installed as president of North Port Kiwanis

Orden Khrestonostsiv Plast fraternities meet in Hunter

Western Union customer wins $10,000 by transfering funds to son in Odesa

Thursday, November 1 - Sunday, November 11

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 28, 2001, No. 43, Vol. LXIX

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