Saturday, May 1, 1977

Two from Helsinki Group Arrested in Kiev
Other Members of Monitoring Committee Harassed

Sakharov Committee Says Chileans Ready to Exchange For 13 Soviet Dissidents
Nine on List are Ukrainians

Plast Leadership Elected At Biennial Congress
by Roma Sochan

See Shift in Vatican Human Rights Policy

Hryhorenko Is Ailing

Pliushch to Head Exiled Helsinki Monitoring Group

Freed, Dr. Mikhail Shtern Lauds President Carter For Stand on Rights

Ohio Congresswoman Seeks Protection of Hungarian Crown

White House, State Dept. Say U.S. Is Concerned with Rights

Metropolitan Bohachevsky Sought State Department Help Against Repatriation

Ukrainian Hierarchs Urge Support for WCFU Defense Month

Clevelanders Honor Moroz on Birthday

N.Y. Committee To Round-Up Petition Drive this Weekend

Prof. Dmytro Chyzhevsky, Literary Expert, Dies

TUSM to Hold Plenum May 7-8

"Destiny of Nations" To be Shown In Chicago Area

Open First Combined Exhibit Of 12 Suppressed Cultures in USSR

A Directive
(Concerning Plans to Observe The 1000th Anniversary of The Baptism of Rus-Ukraine)

Basil, Apostolic Administrator, Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Publish Book on Nationalism, Human Rights in USSR

Harvard Institute Co-Hosts Slavic Association Parley

5 Ukrainian Scholars to take Part In Midwest Slavic Session

Ukrainian Courses at Harvard are Tuition-Free During Summer


Terror Continues
Political Action

New Quiz

A Scene from an English Film
by Roman J. Lysniak

Human Rights and the United States
by Andriy Semotuik


by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj
QUESTION: Can you give your children the kind of Ukrainian upbringing you yourself had?

Influence in Washington
by Eugene M. Iwanciw
Part III: The Follow-Up

"Pysanka" in High Demand in Connecticut As Well

Ukrainian Easter Rites are Center Of Attraction in Ansonia

Mother's Day Pilgrimage Set for Fox Chase

Watervliet UNWLA'ers Hold Easter Exhibit

Trenton's 49th Kurin Wins Plast Basketball Tourney

Soyuzivka, Nearby Church Are a Mecca for Artists

Mihalsky Runs for City Controller of Philadelphia

UNA Scholarship Recipient Is 2nd Lt. in Marines

Join Ranks of Young UNA'ers

The Human Rights of Valentyn Moroz
by Peter Fedynsky

"Their Fate is in Our Hands"
(Statement by Andrew A. Zwarun, President, The Helsinki Guarantees for Ukraine Committee, to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, in Washington, D.C., February 24, 1977)

Faith in Oneself Keeps Anna Chornodolska Going

Christina Petrowska to Appear In Carnegie Recital

"Pysanka" Hatches A Bountiful Season in Gotham
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Ukrainian Events in The Big Apple
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Buffalo Home Elects Officers

Ukrainian Wins Boston Marathon

To Appear in Opera

"Chornomortsi" to Dedicate Flag May 7th

Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchs
Site of the first Ukrainian Catholic Church in America

UCCA Washington News

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 1, 1977, No. 99, Vol. LXXXIV

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