Saturday, August 21, 1977

Terelya Arrested After Denouncing Soviet Asylums
Soviet Dissidents Appeal to West for Assistance

American Lawyer Wishes to Defend Marynovych, Matusevych

Soviet High Court To Review Terms Of Rudenko, Tykhy

Attorneys to Prepare for 1st Conference

Michael Terpak Promoted at VOA

Perm Prisoners Remind West Of Soviet Rights Violations

Ottawa to Keep "Open Mind" On Sending MP's to Belgrade

MP Tried to Get Canada's Support for Shumuk's Release

KGB Temporarily Detains Second Tourist

De-Colonization of USSR is Theme Of CN Week Observance

Rep. Koch Introduces Resolutions In Defense of Rudenko, Tykhy, Moroz, Shukhevych
Urges President to Demand Soviet Compliance with Helsinki Accords

UCCA Officers Visit Youth Camps

Johnstown Churches Form Task Force To Aid Flood Victims

Pastor Harbuziuk To be Interviewed On Chicago Radio

Chicagoans Honor Rev. Gavlich

Canadian Students Plan Congress in Vancouver

Volodymyr Kobziar, Former Soccer Great, Community Activist, Dies

Ukrainian Cemetery in Winnipeg Vandalized

New Haven Women Visit Museum in New York
by Zofia Sywak


Sheer Hell
"Stop Lying, Brezhnev"

"Ukrainian Night" to be Held In Nassau County

In the Service of Melpomene
by Roman J. Lysniak

Philadelphia to Have UNA Day

Whose Shoes Are You Wearing?
Commencement address at Manor Junior College delivered by Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, Georgetown University; President, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America; Chairman, National Captive Nations Committee; Fox Chase Manor, Pa., May 12, 1977.

Ukrainian Dissident Calls Soviet Prisons "Hell"
(The following article about the horrors endured by Yosyp Terelya, a Ukrainian political prisoner, was written by syndicated columnist Jack Anderson. It appeared on Wednesday, August 17. Several newspapers, among them New York's Daily News, added his footnote to the column which stated: "Terelya's account was translated for us from his native Ukrainian. U.S. officials verified the authenticity of the sources who brought his letter to us. A Soviet embassy spokesman, however, told us he had never heard of Terelya. He dismissed the letters of jailed dissidents as just 'personal insinuations' that do not reflect the true facts of Soviet prison life." Below is the text as it appeared in The Newark Star-Ledger.)

Art Review
Peter Shostak: Art of Canada's West

Plast's "Vovcha Tropa" and "Bobrivka" Campsites Host 979 Youths
by Roma Sochan

To Hold Breakfast Fund-Raiser For Myskiw Election Bid

Rep. Koch Talks about Rights, Ethnicity, Taxes with Astoria Ukrainians

Yonkers School Holds Graduation Exercises

Carteret Parish Sets "Ukrainian Day"

Community Newsbriefs

Ukrainian Canadian Singer Appears in Winnipeg Production of "Irene"

Ukrainian American Dentist Serves with Air National Guard

Opera, Hutsul Festival Slated For Next Two Weekends at Soyuzivka

Andrij Dobriansky is Instrumental In Staging Ukrainian Opera At Newport Festival
by Helen Perozak Smindak

Dobriansky, Hrynkiv Shine In Soyuzivka Concert

N.J. UNA'ers Set Day for August 28


by Wolodymyr Mackiw
Illustration by Jacques Hnizdovsky

Oleksander Koshetz, Famous Conductor
by Osyp Zalesky

Ukrainian Tongue Twisters


A Tale by Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky

Ukrainian folk dancing ensembles
A Ukrainian folk dance

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Myron Levytsky, Petro Cholodny
Translations: Josephine Gibajlo-Gibbons

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, August 21, 1977, No. 181, Vol. LXXXIV

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