Saturday, September 4, 1977

Ukrainian Dane Asks U.S., British Leaders To Rescue 4 Ukrainian Political Prisoners

4 Perm Inmates Cite Carter On Rights Policy

Psychiatrists' Conclave Condemns Soviet Abuses of Psychiatry

113 Youths Win UNA Scholarships

Ukrainian Doctors Appeal To Psychiatrists

Exile Terminated For Pavlo Kampiv

Head of Canadian Delegation at Belgrade Interviewed by "Smoloskyp" Representative

UNA Allocates $6,400 in Relief Aid for Flood Victims

Helsinki Commission Staff Says Despite Strains, 1975 Accords Will Not Be Scuttled

Soviet Dissidents Seek Support from Psychiatrists

Alberta U. Conference to Dwell On Ukrainian Canadian Community

Ukrainian College Courses - Fall 1977

University of Pittsburgh
LaSalle College
Manor Junior College
Rutgers University

H.E.W. Awards $47,617 to Develop Ethnic Curriculum Materials

UOL Convenes in Pittsburgh

Chicago UNA District Meets

Publish New Ukrainian Song Book

N.Y. Ukrainians Meet with Mayor Beame

Parma School To Mark Anniversary

Francis Purcell Attended Ukrainian Picnic on Long Island

Plan Exhibit of Cleveland Artists


Labor Day
Deserving Youths
Back to City

Sen. Percy Hopes President Will Free VOA

A Sentimental, Romantic Story
by Roman Lysniak

"The Envy of Dante"
(The Following is a letter by Yosyp Terelya, a Ukrainian political prisoner who served 14 years in prison and was again incarcerated last June. It was addressed to Yuri Andropov, chief of the KGB and member of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Terelya's letter was the theme of a column written by Jack Anderson. Mr. Anderson's office provided The Weekly with the full text of the letter, translated by Bohdan Yasen, secretary of the Helsinki Guarantees for Ukraine Committee and vice-president of the "Smoloskyp" Ukrainian Information Service.)

by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj
QUESTION: What is the future of the Ukrainian community of the U.S.A.?

Soviet Amateur Photography Is Poor, Says U.S. Photog

1977 UNA Scholarship Winners

Prof. J.B. Rudnyckyj - A Pioneer In Slavistics
by Olha Wojcenko

Ukrainian-Owned Firm Designed Longest Bridge in Western Hemisphere

To Hold Seminar On Immigration

Youths Conclude Courses At Soyuzivka


Den Pratsi - Labor Day
[Published in Ukrainian]

Yuriy Tys
Illustrations: P. Andruseva
Pro Lytsaria Dobryniu ta Yoho Sestrychku Zabavu
[Published in Ukrainian]


The Great Hetman Mazeppa

Youngest In Branch 388

U.S. Labor Leaders
He paved the way for a day of tribute to the American worker

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Myron Levytsky, Petro Cholodny
Translations: Josephine Gibajlo-Gibbons

Summer Sports Shorts

Holy Cross Plans Picnic Next Sunday

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, September 4, 1977, No. 193, Vol. LXXXIV

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