Saturday, November 13, 1977

House of Representatives Adopts Human Rights Resolution
Four Ukrainians Listed in Defense Appeal;
N.J. Moroz Committee Paved Way for Passage

KGB Makes Death Threats Against Ukrainian Prisoners

Campaign '77

Ted Dusanenko Elected County Legislator in Rockland

Four Other Ukrainian Candidates Lose

Williams Introduces General Rights Resolution Without Mention of Specific Cases

Khodorovych Expelled from USSR

UCCA Executive Board Holds Monthly Meeting

UNA, Gov. Byrne Commend Warvariv, State Department Stands

15th SUMA Congress Convenes

Self-Determination: A Matter of Dual Morality
by Boris Potapenko
"Visti" International News Service

Campaign '77
Byrne Wins in New Jersey, Koch Elected New York Mayor

Oleh Shtul-Zhdanovych, Head Of Ukrainian Nationalist Command, Dies

Col. William Rybak, UCCA Activist, Dies

William Kurelek, Noted Ukrainian Canadian Artist, Dies

The Autumn Issue of 'The Ukrainian Quarterly' Features Timely Articles

Liberty Park Board Urges Recreational Development
Meets at UNA's Ukrainian Building

Kent State Receives Grant For Ethnic Archives Study

Eugene Iwanciw Joins New Mexico Senator's Staff

Ohio Ukrainian Optometrist Elected Commander-in-Chief of V.F.W.


Forthright Action
Amnesty Soviet Style

White Ethnics are Minorities Also
by Ihor Dlaboha

To Lecture on Rubens At National Gallery

Dushnyck Highlights Religious Repression

A Literary Critic
by Roman J. Lysniak

by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj
QUESTION: What is the greatest Ukrainian achievement in the free world?

Ukrainian Studies Continue in Montreal

American Human Rights Policy and the USSR
by Andrew Fedynsky

Gov. Byrne Visits Newark Parish

Plans Christmas Show in Chicago

Detroit Bandurist Capella Marks 20th Anniversary

Gets Ph.D. in Psychology

Gets Scholarship

Ukrainian Girl To Appear on TV Show

Former UNA Scholarship Winner Wins Award

Chicagoans Stage UNA Golf Tourney

Found New UNA Branch in Canada

Youngest UNA'er

Restored Chicago Cathedral Blessed

Bless Decor of St. Constantine's in Minneapolis

UCCA Washington News


Thanksgiving Day - Den Podiaky
[Published in Ukrainian]


Yuriy Tys
Illustrations: P. Andruseva
Pro Lytsaria Dobryniu ta Yoho Sestrychku Zabavu
[Published in Ukrainian]

Dnister's Historical Course

How the Goat Outsmarted the Wolf

Leaders of Ukrainian International Organizations
He is the First Vice-President of the WCFU

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Myron Levytsky, Petro Cholodny
Translations: Josephine Gibajlo-Gibbons

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 13, 1977, No. 250, Vol. LXXXIV

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