Sunday, April 2, 1978

Matusevych, Marynovych Sentenced

Goldberg: CSCE Was Success
by Boris Potapenko
"Visti" International News Service

Gen. Protests Trial of Matusevych, Marynovych

Vins Brought To Trial

Mary Dushnyck, UNA V.P., Heads N.Y. Fraternal Congress

Receives 50 Ruble Fine For "Belief in God"

Russian Dissidents Protest Arrest of Lukianenko

Kiev Group Releases "Informational Bulletin"
Pledges to continue Activity Despite Repressions

Sosnovka Inmates Hold One-Month Hunger Strike Against Repressions Designate March 1 "Day of Grief and Anger"

NJ Religious Leaders Seek Release of Shcharansky

Grigorenko Asks U.S. to Extend Stay

Grigorenko to Hold Press Conference in San Francisco

Communities Plan Nationwide Protest April 22

Multiculturalism in Canada to Receive $50 Million

Protest USIA Brochure

Alexander Hunenko - Artist and Intellectual

Hunenko's Works Are "Powerful," Says Reviewer

Olenska-Petryshyn to Show Paintings in New York

St. George's Graduates Cited by Regents

To Sing Title Role in "Betly"
[Denise Marusevich]

Maria Sochan Performs Today

To Exhibit at UIA
[Loren E. Ellis]

Juliana Osinchuk Has Recital

From the Sunshine State
Break Ground for Ukrainian Building

Hold Luncheon For Ukrainians Of Lake McCoy Oaks

To Form Cinema Association


A Penalty for Faith in God
That Word Again

An Attempt to Defend A Ukrainian Political Prisoner
(The article below, by Atty. Burton Hall appeared in the Winter-Spring 1978 issue of "New Politics." Mr. Hall, an American attorney, traveled to Kiev last year in an attempt to present a brief in defense of Oleksander Serhiyenko).

USIA Replies
The article is the text of a standard form letter mailed out to many Ukrainians who had earlier protested the publication of a Russian-language brochure by the agency for the American agricultural exhibit in Kiev this month.

The Battle with the Lilliputians
by Roman J. Lysniak

Caring for Your Jeans
From the desk of Pat M. Lutwiniak-Englebrecht, Home Economist

Music Review
Slavic Ensemble Performs at UIA
by Walter C. Hucul

19 Girls Make Debut At "Chervona Kalyna" Ball

Buffalo Students Present Easter Program on TV

Ukrainian Canadian Film Producer Meets with Minister of Multiculturalism

New Haven UNWLA Stages Ukrainian Easter Exhibits

To Hold SUSTA Dance in Suracuse, N.Y.

New York's 3rd Unit Wins Basketball Tournament
by Roman Juzeniw

WHA's Edmonton Oilers: 25 Percent Ukrainian
by Ihor N. Stelmach

Mike Zuke
Dave Semenko
Dennis Sobchuk
Paul Shmyr
Ron Busniuk

An All-Ukrainian Hockey Team?

Art Review
Prychodko's Paintings - "Complete, Rewarding, Serene"

Midshipman Kowadla to Get Officer Commission in June

Ukrainian Pianist Plays With Boston Pops Orchestra

John Ewasew, Canadian Senator, Dies at 56

Publisher Accedes to 'Ukraine' without Article
by Walter Dushnyck

Scholar Says Ukraine Is Trouble Spot for Kremlin

Women's Committee Meets with President Carter

Division Vets to Mark "35th"

Chicago, Cleveland Districts Hold Annual Meetings

Plan Conferences on Social Trends Among Ukrainian Canadians

Ukrainian Lit Offered by Temple U.

Discuss Problems of Refugees In the Professions

First Kurelek Memorial Lecture Slated for April 4

Caribbean Sailing Crew Meets Queen of England

"Pysanka" Continues To Flourish

Saskatchewan Prepares For "Vesna" Festival


Ukrainian Sports Clubs in Post-World War II Germany
This soccer team gained much acclaim

Watervliet Easter Bazaar featured in Local Paper

UCCA Washington News

Kowalchuk Speaks During Freedom Week

N.Y.C. Ukrainians Featured by UPI

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 2, 1978, No. 73, Vol. LXXXV

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