Sunday, June 25, 1978

Canadian government awards $300,000 for Ukrainian studies chair at University of Toronto

Bohdan Bezkorowajny elected national commander of UAVets
Laura Pellock elected president of auxiliary

Chornovil protests KGB intrusion into private life as exile

Snehiriov's recantation spurs debates in Ukraine

Berdnyk demands release of Rudenko, begins hunger strike

Rudenko's poems smuggled to West

Moscow dissidents demand Grigorenko's return to USSR

Reveal names of 18 political prisoners in the Dnipropetrovske psych-hospital

Anatoliy Asimov
Leonid Bilobrodov
A. Zabolotny
Mykhailo Ivankiv
Borys Kovhar
Yaroslav Kravchuk
Anatoliy Lupynis
Mykhailo Lutsyk
Vasyl Ruban
Vasyl Spynenko
Viktor Rafalsky
Vyacheslav Yatsenko

Ukrainian students picket at site of Shevchenko monument in Paris

Labor association rents two-thirds of eighth floor in UNA Building

Communique of the Ukrainian Anti-Defamation League

NBC-TV president turns down request for response to "Holocaust"

Renew efforts to establish Presidential language board

Bishop Losten issues Captive Nations Week appeal

Orthodox in Canada to hold "sobor"

Baptist youth to meet July 1-2

Three Ukrainians attend women's clubs convention

Kudirka to attend Lukianenko rally in Philadelphia today

Elizabeth parish marks "75th"

Community newsbriefs

Shevchenko Foundation allocates $16,250 to cultural projects

To hold third "Echoes of Ukraine" festival in Philadelphia


Language commission
Ali in Moscow

Women plan march on Washington
by Dora Rak

Chicago's Ukrainian art institute reopens with new exhibit
The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art in Chicago, Ill., reopened in May at its new location, 2320 W. Chicago Ave. Reprinted below is a review by Wendy Hoffman of the New Art Examiner of the first art exhibit to be housed in the building - a display of constructivist and structuralist works by Canadians Peter Kolisnyk and Ronald Kostyniuk and Chicagoans Konstantin Milonadis and Mychailo Urban. The institute is open from noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday (closed Monday).

A mocked trial
by Lee Edwards

Mishap with hay
by Roman J. Lysniak

Clothes influence child's development
From the desk of Pat M. Lutwiniak-Englebrecht, Home Economist

IRS to penalize late filing of returns under pension, profit-sharing plans

Library society to meet June 27

New York, New York: Cultural Roundup
by Helen Perozak Smindak

John Diefenbaker receives honorary Ph.D. from Ukrainian Free University

March of Dimes poster child visited 29th UNA Convention

'Pysanka' wins grand prize in S&H Easter egg contest

St. Basil's Prep School graduates 12 youths

Detroit high school holds commencement exercises
by A.J. Serafyn

Irene Matejko gets Ph.D. in entomology

Puella dicit: lingua Latina pulchra est
Ukrainians graduate first, second from Irvington high school

[Lidia Mostovy, Andrew Bakun]

Named Watervliet H.S. valedictorian
[Angelika Romanation]

Becomes third M.D. in family
[Dr. Lesia Baltarowich]

Perth Amboy attorney admitted to practice before Supreme Court
[Charles N. Steczak]


Mourning Over Yet Another Way of the Cross
by Ihor Kalynets

by Richard Vladuchick


Cornel Osadsa - "Faucets"


The first executive board of SUSTA
She was the first president

U.S. naval base to hear Ukrainian Divine Liturgy

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, June 25, No. 142, Vol. LXXXV

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