Sunday, October 15, 1978

Over 50 U.S. lawmakers attend human Rights Day in Washington, pledge support for Ukrainian patriots

Ihor Kalynets begins exile in eastern USSR

Ukrainian Helsinki group compares Soviet judicial system to Nazi Germany

Vins faces threat of new sentence

Prisoners hold weeklong strike

Lukianenko - a true fighter for freedom and justice
The following is an unsigned appeal for support on behalf of Lev Lukianenko from the Ukrainian Public Group to Promote the Implementation of the Helsinki Accords to the Socialist International. Its authenticity was substentiated by Gen. Petro Grigorenko, a member of the Kiev group and its spokesman in the West. it was supplied to The Weekly by the Committee for the Defense of Soviet political Prisoners and was translated by Adrian Karatnycky, the committee's secretary.

Justice Department to appeal verdict in Fedorenko case

Four Ukrainians given membership in P.E.N.

Ukrainian to be included in census

Prof. Dobriansky re-elected president of ACWF
Dr. Dushnyck re-elected member of board of directors

Solczanyk's philatelic display wins awards

1933 famine is example of "awesome powers of totalitarian government"
The following article was written by Dona Harvey, editor of The (Winnipeg) Tribune. It appeared in the October 3 edition of that daily.

Gen. Grigorenko to speak at "Day of Mourning"

Cannibalism raised its ugly head"
The following account appeared in the October 3 edition of The (Winnipeg) Tribune.

To hold hunger strike
[The All-Community Committee to Honor the Victims of the Kremlin-Made Famine in Ukraine, 1932-33]


Washington rights action
"Veselka's" 25th year

Some thoughts on the U.N. and colonialism
by Borys Potapenko
"visti" News Service

From the dictionary of wit
Collected and edited by Roman J. Lysniak

Shopping for men's shirt
From the desk of Pat M. Lutwiniak-Englebrecht, Home Economist

The Women's Movement
- News and issues in summary

by Dora Rak

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Plans of Actions
State conference in New Jersey
Displaced homemakers

Ukrainian Human Rights Day in Washington, D.C.
[Photo report]

Legislators present

Chicagoans stage 6th UNA golf tourney

St. Basil's Prep. - 45 years of uncompromising values

Monsignor Mosko - the backbone of St. Basil's Prep.

Scholarship recipients at Manor

Publisher seeks information on pilots

J.C. Plast, SUMA hold dance


25th year of "Veselka"

The doctors of the forest
by Osyp Zalesky

[Published in Ukrainian]


Kazka pro kyianku krasuniu podolianku
by Olha Mak
[Published in Ukrainian]


Ukrainian wedding rituals
They make the traditional wedding loaf:

Bohuta The Hero
Story: Roman Zawadowycz
Illustrations: Petro Cholodny
[Published in English and Ukrainian]

UCCA Washington News

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, No. 223, Vol. LXXXV

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